i made it to the OTHER side!
well here I am...on the OTHER side. made it through surgery & ready to start the next chapter of my life!!! everything went smoothly with the procedure, pain is manageable, and hopefully being discharged today. I cant wait to go home & sleep in my own bed. :)
ok, thats all for now, I'll post more once I get home & feel up to it....just wanted to let all my OH friends know I made it through surgery
ok, thats all for now, I'll post more once I get home & feel up to it....just wanted to let all my OH friends know I made it through surgery

REALIZE Band on 04/21/10 with
Congrats, welcome to the dark side, opps wrong speach....
Glad that everything went well, and wishing you the best of luck in this new chapter!!
Glad that everything went well, and wishing you the best of luck in this new chapter!!
when i was in the hospital post surgery i slept in the recliner the whole time... it was more comfortable b/c there support at my back and i could put a pillow in front of me against the other arm of the chair........ when i got home i did the same thing for the first week.... after that i was comfortable enough to sleep in the bed, but in the beginning laying down just wasn't as comfortable as a propped up position was.
congrats on surgery though!!!!
congrats on surgery though!!!!