Please tell me it's not horrible...

(deactivated member)
on 7/5/10 2:41 pm
Hey! My name is Brooke and I am 23 years old. I am new to the online support thing and looking for some help. I am scheduled to have RNY on July 28th and I CANNOT stop worrying.  I have never had surgery before and have no idea what to expect.  Any feedback would be great!  I am wondering about the pain level, difficulty of the different diet stages, and how long it will take to feel well enough to resume my busy life.  Thanks :)

<3 Brooke
on 7/6/10 12:53 am - Oklahoma City, OK
 I was in the same boat! Well, technically I had my wisdom teeth taken out and even THAT was a painful, horrible experience for me. I had VSG 6 weeks ago.
I'm not going to lie, surgery (especially the first few days post op) was HORRIBLE. I do not react well to anesthesia very well and found myself feeling like I was drowning in the recovery room (I am also an asthmatic). Pass out for a few more hours.. wake up in your hospital bed.. extreme pain in my back and shoulders, discomfort everywhere else.. pass out for a few more hours.. etc. When we got home the next day, I was horribly tired and took liquid loretab for the pain which made it even worse because it made me extremely nauseated. I highly suggest taking tylenol if the loretab does the same to you. The nausea was worse than the pain at that point! 

My doctor is very lax and I didn't have a drain, catheter, or staples, yay!! I'm sure people here can share their experiences with you on that and your doctor should prepare you for surgery to the fullest. 

I will say that so far it has all been worth it!
Message me for my Instagram/Facebook/Twitter details.
(deactivated member)
on 7/6/10 5:18 am
thanks for the heads up blair! i am hoping that i will not have to have the catheter or drain tube.  we shall see soon :)
on 7/6/10 6:30 am - Mexico
 hi brooke,  wellcome to the board.
my name is marianao i'm 2 year out of RNY.
it was my 1st surgery. best thing i have ever done n i would do it gain!
the pain. is not bad. it hurts a lot when you move tho lol. i was a lil down the next month cuz of the anesthesia n cuz i was scared of what i just did to my body.  I had a brachioplasty 6 months ago n i can tell u it was soooo much esier than wls.  so yes wls is big surgery it would hurt but it would be soooooooooooooo worth it!!!!!!!
about the eating. it was very easy for me i was not of those who vomit all the time. i just have had a few of these episodes. just follow ur dr rules n you'll be fien.
but girl honestly all of the hard work n pain is so worth it you are gonna love it!

if you have anycuestions feel free to ask everyone here is so sweet n supportive
keep us posted.

on 7/6/10 12:40 pm - Meriden, CT
REALIZE Band on 04/21/10 with
Hi Brooke

While I had tha banding done, I shared your similiar fear as it was also my first surgery.  I was in your shoes worrying up until they knocked me out, didnt even say when they were all I remember was waking up being wheeled into the recovery room, lol.  I had decent amount fo pain for the 1st week, and nerve pain in my left shoulder for 2, almost 3 weeks. I was told it was because where they cut in my abdomen is some how connected up there. So if that happens dont panic, like I did at first.

As for recovery I know it varries on a person by person, I was back at work  just after 2 weeks. I work at a police station so I took my time before going back because I deal with prisoners daily and wanted to make sure I felt as good as I could.

Hope any of that info helped you. Welcome to the boards and good luck with your surgery!

on 7/6/10 12:56 pm - Marrero, LA
Hey Brooke!  First of all congrats on your upcoming surgery!  My surgery went very well and the only complaint I had was that my mouth was DRY when i woke up and couldnt have anything till the next day!  Other than that, not bad at all.  Very little pain, I was up and walking the halls the  very next morning and ready to go home.  I did not even need all of my pain meds.  Good luck with everything, and just remember that everyone's experiences are different.  go in with a positive attitude, good luck!  = )

             This weight include 22lbs lost during two week pre-op liquid diet!
Stacie W.
on 7/6/10 1:26 pm
 Prepare for the worst, but hope for the best.  The fews days I was in the hospital, I felt pretty crappy.  Had a catheter and a drain...but they are put in while you are sleeping, and do not hurt at all when they are removed.  Use your pain pump!  

Everything will be great in the end, just some discomfort early out!
Emily J.
on 7/7/10 12:12 am
 As a veteran of 5 surgeries (and hopefully NO more!) honestly, it really didn't get any better the more they added up.  I was scared and nervous each and every time but I knew they were all necessary.  Thank the Lord above, I walked away fine and better than before.  

Any surgery is going to involve some level of pain, that's just the way it is...the key is to stay on top of your pain and take the meds before you are really in bad shape.   I guess everyone has different pain tolerances but I'm on the low end of that spectrum so I took my pain meds for about a week and a half after my bypass and I'm happy I did because I did have some bad pain.  The 2nd and 3rd days are the worst...just a tip.  

How you recover is really up to how your fast your body heals.  DO NOT do too much, too soon.  I did and I ended up with an internal hernia and then after that I ended up (which I am still trying to nurse back) a screwed up IT band/hip.  Basically don't be a hero, rest, heal up and take your time doing it.  You'll be in much better shape with proper healing than if you just threw yourself back into the normal pace of life too soon.  

I have more to tell but I am suppose to be somewhere like...right now!  Haha....Take care and worrying is normal, actually a good thing.  

"Tis better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you are not"

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