mirena question AGAIN!

on 5/24/10 2:29 pm - Oklahoma City, OK
hey girls..

i have been having complications from my mirena iud all weekend and hopefully after an ultra sound tomrorow everything will be figured out. .its been a painful ordeal.

i have been getting pains simliar to the day they inserted it, like those OMG worse then cramp feelings, i was so happy to get rid of the 2nd or 3rd day. i ended up in the er friday night after tyenol wasnt doing jack for me. they did a pelvic exam (like woah hot dr.lol) and took an xray.  they gave me lortab and i was still experiancing this stabbing, poking pain, in where felt like my uterus or cervix.

anyways, i went to my gyno today, and tomrorow i have to get a pelvic ultra sound (she says from the xray from the hospital you can barely see if its in place or not, hooray.).. she also said it could possible be pain from my colon being backed up maybe? i stopped her at that, i am very regular, in the poop dept! i take care of myself with fiber and whatnot. but who knows anything could happen i guess?
she also mentioned i could still be adjusting to the device since, im very close to my cycle closing in on its first month. greaaaaaaaat.

anyways, i just was curious if anybody else has ever experianced anything like this before with mirena or any iud.

i dont necessarly want to get it out, but i dont want to be in pain anymore, and i want to know whats causing it. i need to stop reading horror stories online.

have a great night everybody! 

But you don’t
Have to hold your head
Higher than your heart
~jack johnson~

Kelli Linsday
on 5/25/10 3:08 am - Opelika, AL
I had the Mirena put in over a year ago. It hurt like crazy when she put it in!! And for about the first month or 2 I was still getting bad cramps!! REAL BAD!!!  But they went away and it is such a relief now. I would do it again. I have veery mild if ever any cramps now (which is really never) no periods either sometimes some spotting but I am still glad I toughed it out!! I hope this helps and I hope you stop hurting soon!! I know its not fun.
Emily J.
on 5/25/10 7:07 am
 I'm sorry this is going on!  

I have heard of a few people along the way that just can't use Mirena or any other IUD just because their bodies sort of "reject" it...if that makes sense....

Hopefully it's just because of the insertion and all comes back well on the ultrasounds!!

"Tis better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you are not"

on 5/27/10 12:23 am - Langley AFB, VA
I feel for you. I read another post in another forum on here where a lady was having the same kinds of pain issues with her Mirena as you are. I haven't personally experienced pain with mine bad enough to need to go to the doctor, but as another poster said your body could be trying to reject it. Your body perceives it as a foreign body (kind of like Lap Band or rods & screws for broken bones) and will sometimes attack it in an effort to evict it from your body, causing irritation and pain in the area it sits.

My personal experience with Mirena overall has been pretty good. I had mine placed in December 2009, had some pain and cramping, some spotty bleeding, lost about half the hair on my head in the first three months (thank God it stopped falling out!), and developed some mild acne because of skin changes(which I have been able to treat by changing my skin care regime to Artistry Essentials balancing system). At almost 6 months from my placement date I can't really complain. I haven't had a period in almost 3 months and I have been relieved of all PMDD issues, which alone made it a Godsend for me.

Good luck to you. I hope you find relief soon.
on 5/27/10 11:27 am

hope this isnt the case for you but i posted on here before i got the mirena and it hurt like hell at insertion and they could not find it at us and then i had xray and another scan and it had went through my uterus and was floating in my abdomen and i had to have surgery to remove it through my belly button and i had them tie my tubes cause i was not trying to go through that again it hope you get your issues figured out!! it was very painful and crampy

on 5/27/10 12:15 pm - Oklahoma City, OK
my gyno told me to give it another month or so if the ultra sound found nothing. which the nurse called me today to tell me , i was all normal in the test and all in place.

so what the dr explained is sometimes it takes over a month for it to settle in your body and just to wait it out and then we'll talk options of removing it. i really hope it all works out, on paper its a good birth control and i always forget to take pills.

i feel so silly that i went to the er and junk, but i was in so much pain. my boyfriend told me it was better then sitting here wondering. oh life! 

thanks for the replies!!!!!!

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