Public Speech on my surgery
So I'm coming to my OH family anxious and excited! I'm a sophomore in college who in 3 days will be 10 months out from my surgery. I'm down 100lbs, LOVE the gym, and feel fantastic. I'm taking a public speaking class that terrifies me beyond words but I think is helping to bring me out of my shell. So today, for my speech, I've decided to talk about my surgery. I'm nervous because it's something SO personal but I'm excited to educate my peers on something that's so meaningful to me. Wish me luck and keep me in your prayers!
I love you all very much!
I love you all very much!
Wow, congrats on your continued wls journey! Also, be proud and give that speech. You deserve it and the people listening will be enlightened.
Keep us posted as to how it all is and went.
Keep us posted as to how it all is and went.
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader

It sure is good C'ING LESS OF ME!

It sure is good C'ING LESS OF ME!
We could learn a lot from crayons:
some are sharp, some are pretty,
some are dull, some have weird names,
& all are different colors....but they
ALL exist very nicely in the same box.
(Author Unknown)