Pre Op Testing
Pre-op testing was so easy for me!!! I had the normal blood work done, and EKG to make sure your heart is normal, or in shape for surgery, a chest x-ray, and an ultra sound (if you still have your gallblatter). I didn't get the ultra sound, cause i don't have my gallblatter anymore... But its just basic tests to make sure that your body can with stand the major surgery you are about to go through... Its super easy!!! You will do great!!!
i sent you an email with everything i had to do... I forgot about the ultra sound.. That was honestly the most painful thing they did, and it was only because they just pushed so hard.... I undertand I am "chunky" but wow-- I dont know if it was just my ultra sound tech, but she would say "don't breath" and then just take her time! Finally i would have to let out a breath... At one point she said oh yea, I forgot to tell you that you can breath now.. Gee thanks!!!!
How do i get the weight counter on my page??
How do i get the weight counter on my page??
I figured it out right after i posted this earlier! The testing is not bad all, just more of a why do i have to go through this... What if something comes back wrong.. I was thinking... I am having this surgery because i am over weight and unhealthy-- so how is everything supposed to come back good???