So my husband asked me...
No. Liquid diet pretty mu*****ludes liquids you can see through ( chicken broth, beef broth, jello, water, sugar-free popsicles, etc) and protein shakes. I don't know about your particular surgeon, but where I had surgery any form of potato is an absolute never again because of its almost complete lack of nutrient value.
go for it! you'll find that even blended you cant get as much in as you may have thought.
P.s. There is nothing that you should ever put on a "never again" list. Thats just not realistic and it can drive a person insane just thinking about that. I literally had dreams of "no-no" food and it depressed me to no end thinking that i could never have those things again. Remember this is a tool and you will learn new eating habits and you WILL be able to enjoy so called "no-no" food in moderation in due time!
P.s. There is nothing that you should ever put on a "never again" list. Thats just not realistic and it can drive a person insane just thinking about that. I literally had dreams of "no-no" food and it depressed me to no end thinking that i could never have those things again. Remember this is a tool and you will learn new eating habits and you WILL be able to enjoy so called "no-no" food in moderation in due time!