Nervous, anxious... so many other things

on 1/17/10 12:33 am - Columbus, NE
I have't gotten my approval letter from insurance yet...
So I'm not quite there..
I'm so stressed though!
Stressed, anxious, nervous, excited...
I know I'm making the right decision, I know I want the surgery, I know I NEED the surgery.
My thoughts/concerns?!
Am I planning for enough time to be taken off? Do I for SURE have enough money put away? What if I don't get approved? What if I do get approved? What's life going to be like after? Am I going to be able to work hard enough to keep off the weight long termsHow bad will my skin be after? How close am I to surgery?
These thoughts, are flying through my head! I know I'm not doubting my decision.. I'm scared though, of the whole unknown about it. Just making sure I have everything ready for when it does happen... I'm so anxious for it to happen, yet so scared of making it happen to soon.
Just a vent/type our my feelings sort of thing..

on 1/17/10 4:02 am - Mexico

all this things u are feeling are very normal! we all have been there so i know it's hard but try to relax n not think much about that.

planing enought time to be taken off?.... i had surgery away from home.... i went back to work n university 10 days after surgery n i flew back home 7 days after my RNY. so if everything goeas as planned you'll be fine. so if you could take 2 weeks off it would be great!

what if i dont get approve?....... it wont be the end of the world. you still can excercise n try to eat healthy.  while u try to be approved again.

what if i do get approved? YAY!!! its what u want don't you?.

what's life  going to be like after?.... AWESOME!!!!! n much better than its now.

yes if you will be able to keep the weight off if you work hard enoght... 

ANY LOSE SKIN IN THE WORL WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont even boter to think about that. thanks god there is PS.

RELAX!!! u'll be fine



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