OT! *Getting to know you* 10 random facts
Courtneys 10 randoms:
1. I had RNY 18 months ago and it was the BEST decision of my life.
2. My 2010 resolution is to FINALLY learn to play the guitar ive had for 2 years
3. I have been with my boyfriend for 5 years and we plan on getting engaged soon :)
4. My favorite shows are: Greys anatomy, Private Practice, Law and order SVU, and Glee
5. Its snowing right now and i love it hehe
6. My best friend just found out shes pregnant and im SO excited for her.. i cant wait to be an aunt
7. i live in Nashville and i absolutely love it here- i never want to move.
8. Im going to LONDON in June and i cant wait!!
9. I have an out of control Travel Bug...Outside of the US i have been to: France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Puerto Rico, The Bahamas, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Turks and Caicos :)
10. I love my life and the people in it! im super blessed!
Our Wedding Website!: www.mywedding.com/peachjj
Twitter: www.twitter.com/CourtneylizUT
Facebook: www.facebook.com/courtneyliz
My ETSY site: www.etsy.com/people/courtneylizUT
1. I work for AT&T
2. I just recently cut all my hair off...well not all but it is very short now and it WAS very long.
3. I love my new Blackberry.
4. I'm allergic to Cats
5. I like musicals...King and I, Rocky Horror, Music Man, and others...
5. Getting married in July.
6. I want to visit Eastern Europe especially Deutchland (Germany)
7. I found 300 Yen in a parking garage yesterday.
8. I've lost 63 pounds and look better every day.
9. I'm wearing Blue undies.
10. I live in Reno Nevada!!!!!!!
I do DSL tier 2 tech support, and am a Service lead, so I get stuck taking all those yucky sup calls! :-) But I don't mind one bit!!!
I have been with AT&T for almost 2 years now, and I love them! They are so great!!! :-)

Jessica's 10 randoms:
1. I have been over weight since I was a toddler, and CAN'T wait to have my RNY Feb 4th!
2. I have a 2 year old daughter who thinks she is 18!!!
3. I honestly never know what love was, until I became a mommy!
4. I love life, and try to embrace every moment of it!
5. My favorite shows right now are Glee, Americas Next Top Model, Dora, and Sponge Bob (Okay the last 2 aren't my FAVORITE, but I watch them everyday, so they are growing on me!!!)
6. I lost my mom 5 years ago to Cancer, she was my best friend, and it still hurts like I lost her yesterday! (Not sure I will ever get through it, but I am working with a councilor.) Sometimes you might see me post about her, and usually my councilor tries to get me to talk about it more, as its suppose to help me heal "so to speak!"
7. I am a "TEXAN" born and raised, but moved to Louisiana for business reasons, but I am STILL very country, and always will be!
8. I am obsessed with loosing weight, and counting every calorie and gram of fat that goes in my mouth, ever since I started this journey!!!
9. I love being a mom, and a parent. I am working on in the next couple years to open my home to foster children, and adoption of older kids!!!
10. I have a BA from UT in Chemistry, and Elementary Education, working on my masters currently. I eventually want to teach at a college level!!!
***This one just just because! I LOVE to make hair bows, tutu's, and boutique items, like hand painted shirts, shoes, pants/jeans! I actually have a on-line business, and maybe one day open my own store!!! I like to dream big!!!***