I need some guidance.... :(

So I'm frustrated about that. My BP was high also, but I hadn't had my pills yet either so thats expected. But now I'm stressing over that stinkin weight gain! I just can't believe that....I am scared that my insurance company is gonna say that I'm not trying and is not gonna approve me in the end. But my goal this month is to lose that six pounds and a few more. I don't wanna lose too much and then have them deny me and say I can do it on my own. Because I can't!
I just need some support, and past expierences please! Thanks.....

Are you seeing a dietitian? I'm very lucky some would say that I wasn't required to do a supervised diet for my insurance, but I'm still trying to lose some to make surgery easier. You can do it! Eat at least half your plate with veggies and the rest protein and a little carb. Use smaller dinner plates. Instead of chocolate for snacking - grab and apple with some peanut butter. I'm in the "last meal" phase too and I keep thinking this is my last time to eat this so I stuff my face... not good. I need to start eating more veggies too. Need to start walking for exercise or other things you'd enjoy doing. there are some good walk DVDs that i have that get your heart pumpin'. I've seen a lot of people on these boards lose 30-50 lbs before surgery and their insurance still covered it, so I wouldn't worry about losing too much! Everything you do now will help you after surgery, start making the life changes now.
A friend at work and I started a work support group for people trying to lose weight, nobody knows I'm having the surgery except my friend, so I'm trying right along with everyone else to loose!
i just completed my 6 months of weight loss, and my insurance just approved me. I lost about 30 lbs, but i feel like i didn't really try until about 3 months in. At that point, i asked the dietician about the losing "too much" weight". She explained a few things to me, including that your surgery is less likely to have complications if you do lose some weight.
i wouldn't stress over it too much - that will just make it worse! The biggest thing i did was stop eating btwn meals, which was a big problem for me. Pick one thing a week to focus on (like if you like sweets, switch to fruits one week, then focus on your serving sizes the next week)
Good Luck!