Time off from work?
So, I'm having the DS November 20th and as soon as I found out the date, I put in for 2 weeks off, because that was what I thought I would need. Problem is, I work in retail and the time I've asked off include thankgiving week and Black Friday, which is mandatory where I work. So I've got two questions. One is two weeks enough, and two, How long did it take you to get back to work. Oh, and work for me during this time would be 4 to 7 hours on my feet, running around helping customers, which I don't think is safe, do you guys?
I had the realize band done and took 2 weeks off work. I work 12hr shifts in a hospital, lifting, and pulling and moving patients and linen (I'm a CNA) so its fairly strenuous (sp) work. I was a little sore when I started back but I did fine and have had no problems. You should be fine, just take it easy if you can.