7 weeks post op
I just got out of the hospital becasue I could not hold down food or water. I am still very nauseous and they cannot find what is wrong. I was scoped and CT'd, no obstruction or strictures or ulcers found. My surgeon is at a loss as to what could be wrong. It has been almost two weeks since I have been able to eat without feeling very sick. I went a whole week without even eating at all. I have not been going outsidde the diet or eating too fast. Any help?
Hmm... I would lean towards a leak, cause my doctor said nausea was a sign of a leak, and he said fever can be a sign of infection... maybe you have some sort of leak that's a leak from your pouch into your old stomach? That wouldn't necessarily create infection but it might make you nauseated. I'm not a doctor or anything like one, but that's what I wold think. I wonder how they tested you for leaks?... Keep us updated please! I want to know you're doing okay.