Got my surgery date!!!
So I finally got my surgery date today.
I went to get my UGI this morning so figured I should call the pre-op nurse to see how she wanted me to send her the results and I ended up getting my date today!!! I will be having my bypass on 9-9-09 9 days before my 25th birthday. That's a lotta 9's! I have to have all my pre-op tests (the ekg, chest x-ray, etc) done by August 25th when I will go in to meet with the surgeon and do whatever else I need to have done on that day. I was hoping to have this done before fall semester started, but oh well at least I'm taking all my classes online in the fall. Now I'm even more excited and scared!!! 

Thanks for all the congrats! Pre-op consult was pushed back to Sept 1st, but surgery date is still the same yay!
