stolen years of fattness

on 7/13/09 6:19 pm - Egypt
ok so i donot post here often but this one has to go here as it's only those who are my age can relate or understand what i am about to say ;
do you guys ever feel like your time has been stolen from you with all the years that passed by and you have been heavy and hiding out from life or so it feels just because you are fat.

as i started losing weight i started to feel how much i left out , all the things that i could have done and experienced if i were thin or lighter. all the things i denied myself .
it's as if i kept my self in the shadow for so long that now i want to keep living in the sun light forever.and i want more than anything to bring back all those lost years or so i feel.

i know it is a state of my mind that will not last for long but it's just as if it is a revolutionary thing that is going inside me now . i want to break all the chains and restrains i have put and have it put around me.

i know this is an emotional thing but my question to you guys , has anyone ever felt that and what did you about it ?!!!

i am going to be 24 in about 2 months and it irritates me that my 23 yrs old is going to be gone forever and it's the end of the best era 18-23 yrs or so i feel or think


on 7/13/09 9:04 pm - TX
I know exactly what you are talking about. I am only 3 weeks post op and to tell you the truth I have lost 27lbs and even those 27lbs make me feel so much better. It shows every bit and when you are bigger you do hide, you deprive yourself of so much because you are afraid of what others will say or think. Or you just don't feel like it. I have been wanting to go swimming so bad lately wich is something I honestly have not done in years. SWIMMING. And thats only minus the 27lbs. I feel like I missed out on so much when I was in JR High and HS I am 22 years old. I think that feeling is normal but keep up the good work and know that you have SO MANY more years ahead now that you are healthy and happier. Keep us posted!


"Be kinder than necessary for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle"
on 7/13/09 10:17 pm - Egypt

i wish i did this surgey a long time ago , i wish i considered it and didnot fight it 
i guess you just have to accept what you got and work from there.

thanks Mizzar , you will feel even better as the weight continues to melt off

on 7/14/09 1:01 am
Girl my best years were from 23 - 27.  Don't sweat it.  You have 60+ years ahead of you.  Make the best of them and don't look back.  That was just a blip on the radar.

 (23 prior to surgery)   

 I'm 5'8"
The old broad


on 7/14/09 5:43 am - Egypt
thanks rose :) so i am counting on your words to have these following years the best

hug n kisses

on 7/14/09 2:18 am - Lancaster, CA
I have not lost my weight yet but I know what you mean. However I think the best years of my life are to come. I am 24 and I have a career a steady relationship and with the weight comming off I hope I will have the energy to be more active. Being fat has held me back but now wonderful that we are taking care of it in our 20s and not later in life. In my pre-op classes everyone was way older than me and they all said they are so happy for me doing this young. Plus I think in our 20s we will be more sussessful because we have not had the bad habbits as long as older people and it is easier for us to build muscle and get skin to go back easier.
Brittnie S.
on 7/14/09 2:25 am - NV
I'm really sorry that you feel that you missed out on a lot due to being heavy when you were younger. I can honestly say that I feel I have not miss out on anything. I was raised to see everyone as beautiful no matter what shape, size, color, or anything they were. They weren't "different" they were beautiful and thats how I always felt about me being larger. Now don't get me wrong, yes, I did have my moments to where I hated being bigger which is what led me to having surgery but the majority of the time if I wanted to go do, going swimming, movies, hiking, bike riding, playing sports, going to dances; what ever it was I would go do it and if people didn't like it they could get the hell over it. I guess my advice to anyone *****ads this is to not forget they past and where you have come from because ultimately that is what has shaped who you are but to learn from your mistakes and how much you hated being "left out" or "depriving yourself of things you wanted to do" and try to change those habits and do everythinng you want to do and don't let ANYONE tell you that you are not good enough. You have make a life altering decision with this surgery which in the long run will save probably all of our lives, so live life to the fullest and enjoy the time ahead of you!
Amanda T.
on 7/14/09 3:04 am - WA
Hey Sarah-
I didn't realize how much I had missed out on until I lost weight. I thought that I had lived life to the fullest even though i was overweight and hadn't missed out on much because i had a great family and friends, etc. Now that I have lost the weight, i realize things that i didnt do, things that i missed out on while i was overweight and it makes me sad! That being said, I am looking forward to what is to come! I'm looking forward to living the rest of my life hopefully at a normal weight and doing everything that I want to do!

"impossible is nothing"


Emily J.
on 7/14/09 3:51 am
 I totally understand where you are coming from.  I'm so much more confident with my body now and I'm not scared to do or try anything!  Before I'd have to worry about weight limits on things or if I'd be comfortable in a theater chair...stuff normal people don't even think twice about.   

I try to live my life with the mantra of everything that has happend to me has brought me where I am today.  True, I never enjoyed being overweight, but I think it's made me a more compassionate person.  To understand the struggles that overweight people face and to be able to inspire others is a great gift that we all have.  Had I not have been heavy, I might not have the life I have now..which, in my opinion, is pretty darn good.  Who knows.  

We are all still SO young and life is too short.....make EVERY year the best year of your life, heavy or thin.  It's all about living life to the fullest and living to make the world a better place.  

Good luck!

"Tis better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you are not"

on 7/14/09 4:27 am - Mexico
That was the main reson i had the surgery!. but also think that those years of fatness lol  i learned a lot!!! i truly believe that it made me a better person and who i am rigth now and i love me so i don´t have any regrets. i never look back just foward
and also u had surgery at such a young age so u are gonna have many years to enjoy the new you catch up.
and you know wha tey say THE 30'S ARE THE NEW 20`S lol.

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