submiting to insurance this week
well all my appointments and testing is done
, now its just another waiting game.
My surgeon's office will be submiting my info to my insurance company and i should be getting an approval or denial letter soon.
So i need all the prayers that I can get....I do have to say that I am becoming a little nervous and discouraged. I am so worried that all the hard work and all the waiting I have done will be for nothing. I feel like my future is in someone else's hands and I cant do a thing about it. Ok well I guess I should go to sleep now and worry all weekend! lol well have a great fourth of july and keep me in your prayers! xoxo -Britt

Congrats! I hope everything goes through and you hear from them soon! ((Hugs))

"Life may not always be the party we hoped for, but while we are here, we might as well dance!""> src="">>