Michael Jackson RIP

Make a pregnancy ticker
Even though he had a rocky last couple of decades, he was such a huge star. I remember that when my mom and sisters would go to get groceries or something in the car we'd always have the tape of Bad going...and I still remember to the words to every song on that album.
Such a tragedy he died so young. I hope his kids will be well cared for, my heart really does go out to them losing the only parent they've ever known.
Our boss has authorized us to listen to Michael Jackson's music today as a tribute and to bid him farewell.
It's just surreal to me... that whole - helicopter ride out to the corners is when it hit me that MJ was really gone. Even when he was going through his court dramas... I still remained a true MJ fan and always will. It's a shame that today's kids - don't know much about him other than his "apperance". My kid just looked at me like - why are you soo sad mom? If they only knew how we felt in the 80's and 90's when MJ was the bomb! I loved him then and still love watching the Smooth Criminal video and the Moonwalk movie.
I regret missing his concert when I had the opportunity to see him in 94.
No one will ever touch MJ on a career level... NO ONE!
Love yall...
It kills me how people don't take facts into consideration. This is not alike the OJ case where he got off due to a "technicallity". He was proved inoccent with facts in both cases.
I'm with you on hating pedophiles... I personally don't believe this was the case though.
Still love ya Amanda....
No one wrote **** on Farrah Fawcett, even though she was a drunk and druggie...so leave it alone. God Bless the Jackson and Fawcett Families...