Has anyone ever dumped on Gatorade?

I have not have gatorade but I have drank vitamin water and apple juice..gasp. Heck as I write this I am sitting here sipping on some de-fizzed sparkling apple cider. If you dump..idk. Did you heart start pounding, did you feel dizzy, did you need to lay down after...yes to any of those questions says you dump and should stay away from gatorade and sweets in general. Me, I've recently realized I don't dump and I do not mind drinking my calories..in fact I don't get enough in to start with so why not. Drinking the gatorade will not slow you weight loss at all...not unless it is all you drink all day everyday and never an ounce of water...and then it will only be a mild slow down. Drink a lil but for every 8 oz you drink promise yourself to drink 16 oz of plain straight water....no crystal light. Thats how I manage to ok my juice drink habits in my head (and I only drink apple juice...100% no sugar added, lite cranberry and minute maids lite lemonade. I don't like artificial sweetners much so I typically stay away from crystal light and drink diet snapple if I am going for sugar free).
Like I said, if you didnt dump no harm in 8-12 oucnces of the stuff a day if you can match it in water.
Like I said, if you didnt dump no harm in 8-12 oucnces of the stuff a day if you can match it in water.
In a world full of cheerios be a fruit loop!
Goal met 11/23
You'll know if you dump. For me, it feels like the world's worst stomach ache, but I only dump on extremely high fat foods. Some people dump on pretty much any amount of sugar that might be there. If you can handle it though, I don't think it will slow your weight loss significantly, since you're still in the stage where you're practically getting no calories. I'd finish the Gatorade you got and then go with the Powerade Zero or the Gatorade G2. I prefer the G2, but it still has calories as it's still has some sugar. Also, there's a drink mix they sell near the Crystal lite called Replenish that tastes pretty good and gets you some of the electrolytes (it doesn't have any calories). Some people also like to water down the gatorade, so you might try that if you're worried.
Powerade Zero.....AWESOME!!!
I had a similar problem early post-op. Turns out I was allergic to whey protein, and it caused me to have some bad diahhrea for several days. I was so dehydrated. I almost considered going to the ER for fluids....luckily, I found the powerade zero. Good stuff, replenishes the electrolytes, and it's zero sugar.
I keep a couple of bottles of powerade zero on hand at all times. I don't drink it regularly, as I find it too sweet to handle for my tastes, but it's good.
Good Luck!
I had a similar problem early post-op. Turns out I was allergic to whey protein, and it caused me to have some bad diahhrea for several days. I was so dehydrated. I almost considered going to the ER for fluids....luckily, I found the powerade zero. Good stuff, replenishes the electrolytes, and it's zero sugar.
I keep a couple of bottles of powerade zero on hand at all times. I don't drink it regularly, as I find it too sweet to handle for my tastes, but it's good.
Good Luck!
Not to be rude, but why are you drinking gatorade at 3 days post op? It's really not meant to be a leisurely drink, but rather to replace electrolytes lost from physical exertion. And to answer your question, there is no sugar free gatorade, because in order to replace electrolytes and to rehydrate, you need sugar and sodium. However, there is a low calorie version called G2. Drink Crystal Light or something if you desire a flavor other than water.
I think you may have misunderstood the question....I drank Gatorade because I had diarrhea for two days and was dehydrated.....by habit I picked up a regular Gatorade not knowing there was a better choice. I actually don't not like Gatorade and wouldn't drink it leisurely. I was dizzy and dry feeling at the time. I figured the potassium and sodium would regulate my water levels and replace the electrolytes removed from the diarrhea. I love crystal light! Its my favorite drink right now, I have loads of mini packets....Thank you for your input.....