Is 25 really too young???
Hi everyone,
This is my first time posting on this forum, (in your 20's) and recently I've been getting so much feedback from friends that say I am so young to be having this surgery (July 1, 2009). I honestly think that it is better to have it at a young age and nip the issue in the bud early on, no? Has anyone else had the same reactions from people around you? They keep saying, you're so young just do it the old fashioned way, diet and excersise....blah, blah, blah. Thanks for any feedback on this issue.

This is my first time posting on this forum, (in your 20's) and recently I've been getting so much feedback from friends that say I am so young to be having this surgery (July 1, 2009). I honestly think that it is better to have it at a young age and nip the issue in the bud early on, no? Has anyone else had the same reactions from people around you? They keep saying, you're so young just do it the old fashioned way, diet and excersise....blah, blah, blah. Thanks for any feedback on this issue.

Hi Angela:
I am 25 as well, I have surgery next week. I thought I would get that same reaction you have been getting, fortunately, everyone has been really supportive. My friends and family may be more excited than I am! I don't think it is too young, not at all. I think it is actually better to get it done now while you are semi-healthy and are able to avoid the potential sicknesses down the road. This surgery can be really hard on people who are already sick. Do it now while you are young and still healthy.
And to those people who say do it the "old fashion" way.....they just don't understand that the "old fashion" way doesn't always work. I can diet and exercise and gain a few lbs!! Its all in the genes.
Good luck on your journey!
I am 25 as well, I have surgery next week. I thought I would get that same reaction you have been getting, fortunately, everyone has been really supportive. My friends and family may be more excited than I am! I don't think it is too young, not at all. I think it is actually better to get it done now while you are semi-healthy and are able to avoid the potential sicknesses down the road. This surgery can be really hard on people who are already sick. Do it now while you are young and still healthy.
And to those people who say do it the "old fashion" way.....they just don't understand that the "old fashion" way doesn't always work. I can diet and exercise and gain a few lbs!! Its all in the genes.
Good luck on your journey!
Hey Angela,
I was 26 when I had WLS and the only person that asked me why I was having it so young was the doc at my psych evaluation. I told him like I would tell everyone else, I wanted the surgery because due to me being overweight my whole life I was already experiencing health problems. Why should I have waited until I was in my 30s and had serious health problems? In my mind I was avoiding future problems like being a diabetic. Anyway, I don't think you're too young. And if the old fashioned way worked you wouldn't be having WLS, right? Anyway, good luck sweetie, you just gotta tell your friends that you're doing whats best for you!
I was 26 when I had WLS and the only person that asked me why I was having it so young was the doc at my psych evaluation. I told him like I would tell everyone else, I wanted the surgery because due to me being overweight my whole life I was already experiencing health problems. Why should I have waited until I was in my 30s and had serious health problems? In my mind I was avoiding future problems like being a diabetic. Anyway, I don't think you're too young. And if the old fashioned way worked you wouldn't be having WLS, right? Anyway, good luck sweetie, you just gotta tell your friends that you're doing whats best for you!
If I could have had this surgery done 4 years ago at 25 I would have. I should be getting mine done next month. My theory is that it is better for me to get it done while Im still overall "healthy" in terms of hypertension, diabetes, etc... For me all I have done is increase in weight through the years why wait till Im heavier and sicker to get it done. Girl you are young and you have the rest of your life to claim back. Don't know about you but most of the last 29 years of my life have been consumed by yoyo dieting and self destructive binges. I am not willing to spend one day past my 30th birthday dealing with this weight issue. It's time I grab life by the horns and live it. Hope that helps!! Good luck!
When someone says something again, ask them: so it is your opinion that I should put my life in serious danger by staying overweight? or to wait until i've put on more weight and struggle to walk or take care of my kids or perhaps struggle with infertility and/or blood pressure issues amongst others? What about your happiness?? also, later on age related issues can pop up too.
You go girl! i had the op in September 2007 and let me tell you: my life has changed so much I don't have words to describe it! -for the better.
If I look back now, the day i had surgery is right up there with my wedding and the birth of my babies!
Enjoy the moment that your dream will start to come true!
lotsa hugs,
You go girl! i had the op in September 2007 and let me tell you: my life has changed so much I don't have words to describe it! -for the better.
If I look back now, the day i had surgery is right up there with my wedding and the birth of my babies!
Enjoy the moment that your dream will start to come true!
lotsa hugs,
I will be having my surgery on Aug. 14 and have been lucky that no one has really been really negative about the decision but if they had, I would remind myself that this isn't about them. So long as the medical professionals feel you are in the right place to do this, that is all that matters.
I have found that people who don't have a large amount of weight to lose can't understand what it is to be obese. My mom is not heavy at all (lucky her) and she went with me to my first appointment and it was like watching the light bulb go off whe the doctor was explaining what it is to be obese. She could never understand how I am always hungry and never get full but when the doctor said that this is a common factor for people who suffer from obesity it was like finally after YEARS and YEARS of saying it to my mother, she believed it because a doctor said so.
Even if I didn't have her support though, I would still be doing this because after having lost 75 lbs on my own and then slowly regaining it back and more, I came to the understanding that without the surgery I would be reeking more havoc by yo-yoing.
If you know in you heart this is right for you, let all the neigh-saying roll off because it's not worth it. You deserve to be fit, healthy, and matter your age!
I have found that people who don't have a large amount of weight to lose can't understand what it is to be obese. My mom is not heavy at all (lucky her) and she went with me to my first appointment and it was like watching the light bulb go off whe the doctor was explaining what it is to be obese. She could never understand how I am always hungry and never get full but when the doctor said that this is a common factor for people who suffer from obesity it was like finally after YEARS and YEARS of saying it to my mother, she believed it because a doctor said so.
Even if I didn't have her support though, I would still be doing this because after having lost 75 lbs on my own and then slowly regaining it back and more, I came to the understanding that without the surgery I would be reeking more havoc by yo-yoing.
If you know in you heart this is right for you, let all the neigh-saying roll off because it's not worth it. You deserve to be fit, healthy, and matter your age!
You are making this choice for yourself and no one else. I had people tell me "oh you have so much time ahead of you"...Ya so much time to stay fat! I'd rather do this now than ten years from now after I've gained another hundred pounds...or develope serious health risks. Stay strong and stand up for your decision!
You are making this choice for yourself and no one else. I had people tell me "oh you have so much time ahead of you"...Ya so much time to stay fat! I'd rather do this now than ten years from now after I've gained another hundred pounds...or develope serious health risks. Stay strong and stand up for your decision!
to all those haters just f them! people just dont get it. before surgery i just kept losing weight and then gaining it back and yo yo-ing like t here was no tomororw. i dont want to be known as that chubby girl anymore, i want to be heathy!
it was not good for my body or my psychological wellness.
i was 26 when i got my surgery done and i coudlnt be happier! now i have so much to look foward to that i never have even thought about before being over weight (im still losing dont get me wrong but i know theres a happy ending now!!)
good luck!
it was not good for my body or my psychological wellness.
i was 26 when i got my surgery done and i coudlnt be happier! now i have so much to look foward to that i never have even thought about before being over weight (im still losing dont get me wrong but i know theres a happy ending now!!)
good luck!