close to 2 months out
I'm almost 2 months Post-op and have lost 37.5#s since surgery! 64.5#s All together!
I'm so excited, I feel fantastic! And here are some things I've begun to notice: I'm starting to be able to cross my legs much easier. Before surgery it was either the manly leg cross, the ankle cross or nothing at all, now I can cross them at the knees. (Sweet!) My shoes are getting too big for me. My feet are sliding from side to side, I might need to not get wides anymore. My roommate told me that she can start to see my shoulder bones( defined really) and my collarbone (I have a collarbone! and I can feel the bone that connects in the middle, so weird but awesome!)
Also, I went to to a water park yesterday and actually didn't feel awkward for once, and I was wearing just the suit, not even a suit with a cover up. It was great! (except for the sunburn... whoops!)
A few problems, well at least there are a few things I have to work at: I'm still having problems getting the amount of protein I should( I'm trying protein bars, since I'm sick to death of shakes) if I can get 40g of protein it's a win for me. I'm also struggling to get the amount of water I need, it's difficult because my work environment doesn't allow drinks in the work space for health concerns, I have my drink just outside the room but I forget it's there sometimes. I get probably 24-32oz a day. I used to be very affected by the water thing but it's hasn't been that bad for me lately could my body be adjusting to the new volume? I don't know lol.
I need need need need to get back to the gym, I've been having trouble getting up in the morning, I wonder if my b-vits are on the lower side maybe I should increase my intake. Maybe if I can wake-up I can motivate myself to go back to the gym.
I'm so excited, I feel fantastic! And here are some things I've begun to notice: I'm starting to be able to cross my legs much easier. Before surgery it was either the manly leg cross, the ankle cross or nothing at all, now I can cross them at the knees. (Sweet!) My shoes are getting too big for me. My feet are sliding from side to side, I might need to not get wides anymore. My roommate told me that she can start to see my shoulder bones( defined really) and my collarbone (I have a collarbone! and I can feel the bone that connects in the middle, so weird but awesome!)
Also, I went to to a water park yesterday and actually didn't feel awkward for once, and I was wearing just the suit, not even a suit with a cover up. It was great! (except for the sunburn... whoops!)
A few problems, well at least there are a few things I have to work at: I'm still having problems getting the amount of protein I should( I'm trying protein bars, since I'm sick to death of shakes) if I can get 40g of protein it's a win for me. I'm also struggling to get the amount of water I need, it's difficult because my work environment doesn't allow drinks in the work space for health concerns, I have my drink just outside the room but I forget it's there sometimes. I get probably 24-32oz a day. I used to be very affected by the water thing but it's hasn't been that bad for me lately could my body be adjusting to the new volume? I don't know lol.
I need need need need to get back to the gym, I've been having trouble getting up in the morning, I wonder if my b-vits are on the lower side maybe I should increase my intake. Maybe if I can wake-up I can motivate myself to go back to the gym.
Have you tried to bring a doctors note saying that you are required to drink so much water a day? It seems to me that your work would have to let you or they would be in some kind of's really important as you know. I dont know I was just wondering. But it's sounds like you're doing amazing! Keep it up you'll be at goal in no time!

- Savannah

- Savannah
It's an animal hospital, I work in the clinic where we collect urine and blood specimens as well as other sorts of things, so it really isn't worth the possible contamination of our drinks. And it's against certain certifications for the hospital, so I don't want them to get in trouble on my behalf. Lucky my work has been very supportive of my whole situation, it's just a bummer that my water has to be outside the room (out of sight out of mind sort of thing.)