did anyone else have really bad depression and regrets soon post op?

on 6/6/09 4:55 am - IL
I do... im so depressed and out of my element... Like pre surgery I had no issues besides being fat and I had TONS of energy...

Now I am 3 1/2 weeks post op and have No energy and cant do anything but lay around..

I feel like everythings crap and I shouldnt have done this..

ANyone else have these same issues??
blanca G.
on 6/6/09 9:28 am - Grand Terrace, CA
RNY on 02/12/09 with
Hey hun please know that what u r feeling COMPLETELY normal!!! I think almost everyone (everyone that I've talked to) has had buyers remourse early out, I know I sure did!!! I hated feeling so tired. I too felt like my only issue pre op was physical, but in reality we will start to see many other issues surface early out, u will find urself questioning ur own motives for this surgery and so many other things in ur life will be up for re-evaluation, that mental anguish alone can cause fatigue and depression, add malabsorbtion to the mix and the fact that we can't run to our old "friend" food anymore...well let's just say it can get pretty tough before it gets better, but hun it DOES get better!! Better than u could have ever hoped for! I highly recommend a support group and if anything come on here daily to find support! Also remember that estrogen in stored in our fat cells as we lose weight its released into our system and cause crazy mood swings and feelings similar to depression, this does begin to balance out after a few months. Give it time, and although I know it can be very hard at times, stay positive! Know that one day you'll be providing similar guidance to someone else!!!
SW-236/GW 125- pre pregnancy weight-133 / current weight- 123!!
Defeated PCOS with the help of my RNY & despite being told I couldnt have kids, i am a proud mommy to Bella Rosa =)
Lilypie - Personal picture

on 6/6/09 2:38 pm - IL
Omg, I hope it doesnt take months... I have been a mess for 3 weeks, I need to get back to work, and at this point - I dont know when that will be.

It takes me hours to have the energy to get up and showered... then all the breaks in between so I dont get sick.
uNiQuE, iTs wHaT i

on 6/6/09 11:48 am - Selinsgrove, PA
Let me tell ya hun, I am right there with you right now.

I feel like I have officially made the WORST decision of my life. If I could reverse this I would in a heartbeat, take back the 30 pounds I've lost and will even take an extra 10 I never had for the inconvience to the surgeon. I want my old life back, I want to be able to have energy, I just want to be able to eat period. I can't stand water, artificial sweetners I've noticed don't sit well with me and never really has so there is nothing to drink. I havent been feeling well and would love sime ginger ale to settle my tummy...but no can do. And I want a snow cone or slushie or icee, something cold.

But regardless of food, I just want to be me again. And I feel like a complete idiot for doing this to myself. The weight loss isn't even worth it to me and I had no comorbs so theres no benefit to me right now.

In a world full of cheerios be a fruit loop!   
Lilypie - (HynR)
                                Goal met 11/23

on 6/6/09 2:28 pm - IL
Girl -

I feel like you took the words from my mouth... Everyone keeps saying it will get better but all I can think is - GET A REVERSAL!!!  Nothing sits well with me - shakes, eggs, milk, NOTHING - I had energy before surgery, I was happy... Big or not - I was happy...

Im so sad now, it kills me.
uNiQuE, iTs wHaT i

on 6/7/09 4:56 am - Selinsgrove, PA
Yes let me tell you I have googled RNY reversals so many times in the past few days. I want this expierence gone and over and erased. The funny part is a lot of people think I am mourning the foods I used to be able to eat but thats not the problem. I miss being able to eat or drink...period. I feel nauseous and quesy all day weather I eat or not but worse off when I do eat. Even drinking is hard so now I am TERRIFIED I am going to end up dehydrated cause I know I am not even drinking 16 oz a day. Protein shakes make me gag, the thought of food makes me gag, and I am practically living off of yogurt and crackers and cheese. Hell eating just this I could've lost 30 lbs preop.

Not to mention I had NO problems pre-op. Okay, I had acid reflux occassionally but that was easily controlled with prilosec. Now I am just sick. First I get a horrible pain in my side, add a cold, then add the flu, now add whatever is wrong with me that God only knows. I feel that God never gives us more than we can bear but come on, I think I have had my fair share now. And He made it so easy for me to get all this done why all the problems now. I would've rathered having been denied and had to appeal 3x rather than this after.

I just want to go back to my 253lb preop self and just move on with me life. I will spend my extra money on everything, food, clothes, everything has long as I can be happy again. Heck, I am crying writing this cause I want this undone sooooooo bad. I am just miserable and I am sick of hearing it will get better. How about you tell me when cause I don't see it happening.

In a world full of cheerios be a fruit loop!   
Lilypie - (HynR)
                                Goal met 11/23

on 6/7/09 8:04 am - IL
Oh Girl. I cried reading it... I know, I totally feel the same way... I am miserable.  And I try to make things better by getting out and doing something like Yesterday and today I went to the pool in our apartment complex and swam and felt pretty good, but as soon as I got out I felt sick again, like I cant win.

I am down to eating nothing again, I try to drink as much as I can but I am often laying on the couch crying because I either drank too much too fast or whatever I drank isnt setting well.

I had a pain so bad in my side and dehydration so bad that they sent me back to the hospital 4 days after being home and I was hospitalized for another 4 days.  in 3 1/2 weeks I have been hospitalized once for 4 days 3 nights and sent to the ER 2 times for dehydration and constantly feeling sick.

The bariatric nurse just told me yesterday that there is a good chance that the nausea and feeling sick could last up to 4 months!!! ARE YOU F-ING kidding me!!!  I am scared to go back to work because every morning I spend time dry-heaving and crying on the couch im so sick - it takes me 3 hours at least to get into the shower.

Now Im not trying to have a pity party here,. But what am I supposed to do!!!!!!  Any ideas- ANYONE!

Mourning food?  I do that a little, like if I see someone with a soda I automatically get a little teary eyed thinking - never again, or no more anything sweet - But I am not mourning the food really - I am mourning the fact I am in this position, like I made myself fat, but God, lord help me, If I knew what I know right now, I would have lost the weight on my own.
uNiQuE, iTs wHaT i

on 6/7/09 9:09 am - Selinsgrove, PA
Oh believe me right now I am terrified of being dehydrated. I know I am not drinking enough to completely avoid it. If I am not already I am damned sure I am borderlining. I've come to the point where I am sucking on ice cubes all day just to try and get some kind of liquid in me while not wanting to hurl up my insides from the lead block syndrome...as I've so named it.

If this last for 4 months I swear I will die. I feel so LAZY just sitting around doing nothing. Not to mention I think I have a nasal drip or whatever its called cause I am constantly spitting. NO I am not foaming...that would be a joy knowing that there is relief to it but NO I am just spitting (TMI I know, sorry). I get this build up in my throat and I have to get rid of it and I think maybe that that dripping into my pouch might be whats making me uncomfortable. Thankfully I have an appointment tomorrow and I WILL be having him look into it.

I am also getting fustrated with my surgeons nurse. I have spoken to her about twice on the phone and everytime she is like well maybe you should go to your PCP. In my head I am thinking NO ***** I am bringing this problem to your team because yall are the ones who just cut me open like a thanksgiving turkey. My PCP don't know squat about RNY and will probably prescribe me motrin. Until I have control over whats going on, you guys will be my PCP cause I dont know what can be related to this surgery anymore cause it seems like everything affects it and thats why my insurance shoveled out a huge amount towards your 23k bill.

And don't feel bad about a pity party. I by no means want one, I am just frustrated to the point of no return. We both just want relief and need somewhere to vent about our frustartion. We've had our share now past the misery on to the next one in line. And believe me, if I knew what I knew know I would stay fat and try to lose weight or at least make sure I don't put on another damned pound. Cause I could stay stable, I just couldn't lose. Feel free to pm anytime if u just want to rant and ramble. I think I might even hit up the R&R (rant and rave ) board.

In a world full of cheerios be a fruit loop!   
Lilypie - (HynR)
                                Goal met 11/23

on 6/8/09 8:24 am - IL
Oh I didnt know there was an R&R I will totally be in there...

I know what your saying, My surgeons nurse told me to go to the ER for fluids and call her in 5 days when I told her I couldnt keep anything down and I was tired of Dry Heaving, then the ER told me I need to see my surgeon cuz they know nothing about RNY...

I was like - well **** anyone on my side here??

So tomorrow my BF or soon to be Ex tells me - Tomorrow I am taking you to the ER at my surgeons hospital and hopefully they will admit me... But tomorrow im callin anyway because they have to look for a stricture... if it isnt one thing is another.

I was the same as you... with the staying at the same weight thing - matter of a fact what ****** me off is I have a diet plan I did for a month before surgery and lost 50 pounds on my own, if I knew what I know now, I wouldnt have had the surgery and I would be on the same diet...

The fact that I have to go make a 2 ounce protein shake right now and pray that the **** will try to stay in me long enough to get the protein out of it before I throw it back up makes me ANGRY!

I either want to rewind my life 1 month or fast forward it 5 and bring me to a better place.

It is the beginning of the summer, if I have to deal with the nausea and issues all summer, this is going to be a Bad summer for all.

But on a positive note, They opened the pool where I live - and taking a cold shower makes the nausea subside until I get so tired from standing there I dry heave.... so I got on my bathing suit and took a 30 minute break, then got my stuff together and took a 30 minutes break, then walked to the pool, and took a 30 minute break - and I just jumped in the damn thing, it was like floating in a cup of ice water, and the nausea subsided for the whole hour that I floated around, and when I got out of course I took a break but I didnt feel super tired but the nausea didnt come back for like a couple hours which was a nice break... I did lounge because I started to get a little tired from all the activity, but the pool definately made things better for a couple hours...

Ugh... I just wish I could hang out with friends and clean my house... but sadly I dont see that happening any time soon.
on 6/6/09 12:47 pm - Alexandria, VA
RNY on 10/21/08 with
Girlie, if only you know. The first month was trying. Never had felt so low and exhausted and day in and day out! I also had gone thru an insane breakup! All I can say is....this too shall pass and this battle wound will be an amazing story to future RNY patients.

If you need to talk dont hesitate to send an email my way.  It does get better, you will feel normal again. Just take it day by day and remember you made this decision for yourself. You knew it would make you healthier and happier.

You did good. Keep the faith it'll get better.
Tennille :)

Start: 303/Surgery:295/Today:213/Goal:153
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