Yay Friday...Whatcha Up To?
Come Out...Com Out Wherever You Are!!! Whatcha Up To? How Are Things Going? Weekend Plans? New PreOps? New PostOps? Lurkers Come Join the Fun!
I am officially 1 Week Away...This Time Next Week I will be on the Table!!!
I am officially 1 Week Away...This Time Next Week I will be on the Table!!!
05/29/09 Open RNY Surgery!!! On My WLS Journey!!
Currently --115lbs as of 11/18/2009!!

Currently --115lbs as of 11/18/2009!!
Wow congrats! Pretty soon you'll be ont he losers bench!
As for myself, I have a wedding to attend today, my boyfriend is a groomsman, and then Sat, Sun, Mon. I'll be at a renaissance fair playing henriette http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henriette_of_Cleves in the french court. Tuesday I have my thyroid biopsy, wednesday my nutrition class, and by thurs I may be sending in my insurance stuff! Woohooo! I'm excited!
As for myself, I have a wedding to attend today, my boyfriend is a groomsman, and then Sat, Sun, Mon. I'll be at a renaissance fair playing henriette http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henriette_of_Cleves in the french court. Tuesday I have my thyroid biopsy, wednesday my nutrition class, and by thurs I may be sending in my insurance stuff! Woohooo! I'm excited!
Busy weekend!!
Today I've already: finished planting my garden, mowed the lawn, put up some little fence boarder around the yard and it's not even 10:30! I'm going to have dinner/drinks with some friends tonight, so I'm looking forward to that!!!
I have to play in our city band for memorial day so we have rehersal tomorrow and performance on Monday. I'm going to try to get the house clean and little odds and ends things finished for the rest of the weekend....and of course play with my son!
Today I've already: finished planting my garden, mowed the lawn, put up some little fence boarder around the yard and it's not even 10:30! I'm going to have dinner/drinks with some friends tonight, so I'm looking forward to that!!!
I have to play in our city band for memorial day so we have rehersal tomorrow and performance on Monday. I'm going to try to get the house clean and little odds and ends things finished for the rest of the weekend....and of course play with my son!
well today is my 5mnth surgerversery. i cant belive its all ready been that long. i have work today at 615. then i work tomorow and sunday. not doing much else. this is my summer vaction since ill be in summer school the rest of the summer. well everyone have a great day. oh one more thing i have one more lb til im in onederland.
I'm vacationing in Myrtle Beach right now... there are tons of bikers here for Bike Week. They are loud and proud!