how long should I wait?

Brittnie S.
on 5/19/09 3:00 am - NV
So first off there is this guy that works at the same hospital as I do, and I see him from time to time on my floor and each time I see him hes always so friendly and talkative to. Anyways a couple weeks back we were talking and he mentioned something about going to a movie together some time, well nothing ever happened because he had to leave and get back to work and so I didn't think anything of it.... until yesterday. I ran into him again yesterday and he ended up asking me out and we are planning on going out this saturday. He knows nothing of my surgery (unless someone I work with has mentioned it to him) and I am begining to wonder how he is going to react when it comes time for us to start eating dinner and i only eat an extremely small amount of food and dont even drink anything. I don't plan on telling him right away but I just dont know how long I should wait before I tell him. any advice?
on 5/19/09 3:31 am - Long Beach, CA
If you don't want to tell him about WLS yet, you could tell him you're watching what you eat, you had a big lunch, or not even mention it if he doesn't.

If you feel like telling him about wls then I would wait maybe until he says something about how you're eating, if he even does, If not you could still bring it up and let him know if you want to tell him.

It's totally up to you when you feel it's comfortable to tell him really. I would probably try to wait till the second date personally, but hey, he's already been kinda persistant with you so I think you've got him hooked well enough something like wls won't scare him off :) I think in general most guys will have a lot of questions, but after they learn about it they won't really care. Hey, at least you're a really cheap date!

I hope your date goes really well! ^_^
Lisa B.
on 5/19/09 3:34 am - CO
If I were you, I'd simply play it by ear. If he says anything about what you're eating (or rather what you're not eating), just tell him you're being careful about what you eat...enter in the comments about you looking just fine, ect, ect...and just smile, say thank you, and move on to a different topic. If he says nothing, I'd say nothing. If it starts to get serious, that's when you need to worry about telling him about the surgery; but not before, IMO.
on 5/19/09 3:57 am - Mexico
a date! sound exciting..
you can order a soup so you `ll be able to eat the whole thing.  and maybe a small salad so when u don´t eat all of it you say that u r full . a lil trick lol. and he wont´notice any extrange. and if he wanna have some desert you can have a decaf. or a te .
but he works in a hospital so i don´t think he´ll be unconfrotable with ur surgery so don´t worry about that. is not like is  a blind date or anything u are not gonna scared the guy lol
good luck! can´t wait to hear about your date! keep us posted.

on 5/19/09 4:06 am - AL
Do whatever makes you feel comfortable.  If I were you and you're at dinner and me makes a comment about how much you're eating I would just casually say, Oh I had WLS and can't eat much now and let that pretty much be it.  If you're really interested in him you're going to share that with him anyways so just get it out there so you're not worrying over it.  But once again, do whatever you're comfortable with doing.  I've just been very open about mine and my boyfriend was with me before I ever had it done so he has had the pleasure of going through this with me.  If they know it makes it easier and they won't ask as much questions.

Brittnie S.
on 5/19/09 4:13 am - NV
thanks for your advice guys, its been really helpful. Its like I kinda want to tell him just so its out int he open but at the same time I want to see how things go first. I have told pretty much everyone I work with so its probably just a matter of time before he finds out or before I say something to him as well. I'll just have to see how things go and I will keep you all posted on how things went.
on 5/19/09 4:30 am
"OMG....EwwWWw...YoU Had WLS....LiKe ThaT is So NasTy!!!! I CaNt BeliEve iT....EEEWWWW...SorrY But I GoTTa Go!!!!"  Lmao....

Sorry, im the kind of person that would think of the worst thing he might ever say...and start getting over it.....He would never say what i wrote above...he is already interested in you....your going out on a date!!! WhOOooHuUUU....I have alot of friends who are always worried wat people think....some of them dont even want to say hi to people due to i tell them to think of the worst thing they can say or do...and you'll realize that it wont even be that extreme...i hope im making sense...but go for it girl...let um know....and if he doesnt approve then he doesnt belong with you!!!!
on 5/19/09 4:59 am - Athens, AL
i have a steady boyfriend so luckily i didnt have to worry about this.  either way it goes, its not something you can change.  wls was and probably is one of the most important things you have done to improve your quality of life.  if he really is interested he wont care that you had surgery.  i have always been a firm believer in "honesty is the best policy".  so if you go to dinner...there is no sense in you waisting the boys money, order from the kids menu or a side item, or better yet, avoid eating.  tell him that you would rather do something else....

i have always thought dinner and a movie were kinda of the norm.  go play a game of putt putt or walk around the park.  dates are for getting to know one another, no sense in sitting around stuffing face so you cant talk...and no one likes to talk with their mouth cant talk to one another in a movie. 

back to point....if he likes you no matter when you tell him he will understand, and if you tell him and he is thrown off by it....his loss, mr perfect is out there waiting just for you!  (and wont give a damn that you had wls)
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
on 5/19/09 6:16 am - VICTORVILLE, CA
I think I wouldnt mention it on a first date it might be TMI . If it gets more serious then I might mention it. HAVE FUN!! 


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