Been going through a LOT lately

on 5/18/09 1:16 pm - Long Beach, CA
What an adventure this is... In the end I'm just trying to have WLS but so much other stuff keeps coming up. Read my latest blog post and check out all the appointments I've had to go to in the last month... and I'm not even half way there... crazy! I have a biopsy of a nodule on my thyroid next tuesday, wish me luck!
on 5/18/09 2:40 pm - Mexico
good luck with everything!! it would worth it!

on 5/18/09 2:50 pm - Dededo, Guam
good luck hun , i will say a prayer for you.
on 5/19/09 12:02 am

I hope everything goes ok with you! I know how you feel- in the process of trying to get scheduled for WLS, I had a bunch of issues come up. At one point, in a 10 day period of time I had 7 doctor appts! Lol It was crazy!

Il faut souffrir pour être belle

"When I get sad, I stop being sad, and be AWESOME instead. True story." -Barney Stinson/Neil Patrick Harris

Lost 169 lb before getting pregnant!
Mama to Aleksandar J.B., 11.26.11 <3 Now I know what true love REALLY is! <3
on 5/19/09 1:35 am - Garden Grove, CA
Wishing you the best of luck!
              ObesityHelp Support Group Leader

It sure is good C'ING LESS OF ME!


We could learn a lot from crayons: 
some are sharp, some are pretty, 
some are dull, some have weird names, 
& all are different colors....but they

ALL exist very nicely in the same box.


(Author Unknown)


on 5/19/09 2:17 am
Girlfriend! I had to jump through the same hoops! I swear! Thyroid biopsy and all!  Good news is though only 1 in 20 people have thyroid cancer and if that ends up being the case of all cancers it is the one you want- slowest growing.  no worries though, it will be worth it. Right when I had given up all my work for my surgery I got mad and submitted stuff in like November, they told me to expect to be scheduled dec. 9, then it didnt happen until jan something kept coming up coming up.  then boom- it was there, totally felt surreal!  it will happen, and I will say a prayer for your thyroid.  You can do this, and the appointments just make it all the more interesting? and educate you a little further about your mind and body.  =) 
its to your advantage.
on 5/19/09 2:40 am - Long Beach, CA
Yeah I just hope the thyroid thing won't postpone surgery really. If it does end up being cancer I'd rather do wls first before getting the nodule taken care of :P how was the biopsy btw? Did it hurt much? I'm not sure what to expect.
on 5/19/09 4:30 am
no they numb you pretty good and I had anxiety im deathly afriad of needles so they gave me something to help sedate me I think it was like a valium i took 2...and it was nothing like i expected once I was calm.  =) you'll be fine takes about 7 days for results usually and sadly they told me if it was something more serious thyroid had ot be taken care of first...  you'll be fine! im a chiona of the year and I survived it. =)   and i highly doubt its cancer but I will totally pray for you, and for your fear...  just remember its all worthwhile! =) and it will come when your ready for it it just happens! =)  let me know how it goes where r u having ur bx done at?
on 5/19/09 6:00 am - Long Beach, CA
I'm not too afraid of needles in general, just pain. Not sure what you meant when you said chiona and bx :P My WLS will be at a hospital a few miles away, and the biopsy is just at a hospital a block away from my house. From what I read online the biopsy is usually not under sedation or any sort of local anesthesia even, so that's why i'm wondering how painful it would be...I guess I ought to call and see if this particular hospital uses any anesthetic in this procedure....  I hear the needles they use are finer than the ones used for blood draw buuuut I also heard they may wiggle it around a little... eek.... I'm fine with blood draw... but needle wiggling .. eek... and the depth of the needle might be more painful too.
on 5/19/09 1:22 pm
no all you should feel is a little bit of pressure.  if you feel more than that let someone know!  =) 
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