School stuff.... Help me out please!
Soooo here's a link:
I'm really stressed out this week and I just can't wait to get this semester over with! Thanks in advance for helping me out! You guys rock! *hugs*

Currently --115lbs as of 11/18/2009!!
I wish I knew more Spanish then I do, I know very few saying, but I do know gracias and I may not be able to speak to them in their language, but I do try to include gracias as they leave, just to let them know I am trying and I'm not completely rude...But then again I sign thank you also to any deaf customers I have.
A lot of this depends on a person's personal opinion...I know a lot of people *****fuse to learn any other language and will not even try to communicate with someone if they don't speak Engli**** all just depends on the person...
And it is science that you learn languages better as a child. When you are learning objects-->language it doesnt matter what the language is. Good reason why kids become fluent in the language that they are brought up being around in. You see something, don't know what it is, you learn the word for it. I you are in an English area, you learn the english word, if you are in a Chinese area you learn the chinese and so on. Now when you are adult, you pretty much know all the object-->language formations and they are pretty cemented in your brain. Now you are trying to introduce some other representation of it, and what tends to happen is you translate from you know. For instance if you were to learn French as an adult when you have an English base, you would see something red and think "red". Then to say it in french you do object-->English "red"-->French "rouge". Whereas if you learned both at the same time it would be just as easy to go straight from object-->rouge as it is to go from object-->red.
And you can see this yourself if you think about ethnic things, like lets say food. There are some things I learned in Chinese that when I see I think the Chinese name not English. I see a "steamed bun" called a "bow-tszeh" and I think "bow-tszeh". When I have to translate it to people in English I have to go from object-->chinese-->english. That sort of thing.
Anyways, my late night ramblings are over for now. :)
although most people think its not that important to be bilingual...i think it is very important!!!!
I live in hawaii with so many different languages and cultural groups (hawn, Micro, Samoan, Jap).....
There is alot more job opportunities for bilingual people....
Yah we live in america where the standard language is english....
But....america has become so diverse...that it is becoming important to know more than one language in order to serve, conversate, and etc.....
when i was small...
i used to think about how weird and creepy everyone who spoke a second language was....
but like "TOTALLY COOL DUDE".....
Its very interesting to see peoples opinion and perspective...and this my Folks makes America America!!!
*The "Majority" part is what the largest percentage of people answered. Majority may be 35% for example if some other responses gained almost equally. The best judge of overall opinion is probably the average rating.*
1. Everyone should study a second language.
Majority: Agree or Strongly agree. Average rating: 3.71
2. Public schooling should force study of a second language.
Majority: Agree. Average rating: 3.16
3. It is more difficult to learn a second language as an adult than as a child. Majority: Strongly agree. Average Rating: 4.26
4. Learning a language has the same difficulty no matter your age.
Majority: Disagree. Average Rating: 2.03
5. Study of a second language should start in preschool.
Majority: Agree. Average Rating: 3.61
6. Study of a second language should start in elementary school.
Majority: Agree. Average Rating: 3.42
7. Study of a second language should start in middle school.
Majority: Disagree. Average Rating: 2.74
8. Study of a second language should start in high school.
Majority: Disagree. Average Rating: 2.55
9. Learning a second language is unimportant.
Majority: Disagree. Average Rating: 1.81
10. Learning a second language will help you get farther in life.
Majority: Agree. Average Rating: 4.13
11. Learning a second language is important for cultural understanding.
Majority: Agree. Average Rating: 3.84
12. Being bilingual is an advantage in life.
Majority: Strongly agree. Average Rating: 4.45
13. Everyone should aim to be bilingual.
Majority: Neither agree nor disagree, but of the rest, most said they agree. Average Rating: 3.52
14. In the United States it is essential to study English to fluency.
Majority: Agree or Strongly agree. Average Rating: 4.23
15. Children who arrive in this country not speaking English should be taught other subjects (math, science, history) in their native language.
Majority: Disagree. Average Rating: 2.39
16. Children who arrive in this country not speaking English should focus on learning English before other subjects.
Majority: Agree or Strongly agree. Average Rating: 3.48
17. Test-makers should do their best to make standardized tests unbiased towards American culture.
Majority: Neither agree nor disagree, but of the rest, most said they agree. Average Rating: 3.42