The RIGHT way...
So a lot of what I get from people I tell about doing the surgery is they imply that there's a right and a wrong way to losing weight, and my decision to do surgery is not the right way, the ideal way, and that other options are preferable under all cir****tances. I really disagree for several reasons. How do all of you feel about this philosophy? What do you say to people who look at you as if you're choosing anorexia/bullemia over losing weight the hard/impossible way through diet and exercise?
This isn't people saying it's easy so much as for people saying it's waaay too drastic for anyone our age to even consider and that we should spend much more of our life dieting before we even consider surgery.
This isn't people saying it's easy so much as for people saying it's waaay too drastic for anyone our age to even consider and that we should spend much more of our life dieting before we even consider surgery.
First off forget what everyone is telling you! As long as you are happy don't worry about anyone else's opinion. Secondly I do agree that their is a right and a wrong way to lose weight and WLS is a RIGHT way for some people, although I know its not for everyone. Losing weight by not eating and throwing up is the wrong way and people that have WLS dont do that (execpt when they have the occation over eating moments and throw up). However we are supposed to eat ever 3-4 hours. WLS is not easy you have to completely change your lifestyle to adapt to the new way of living. Another thing to look at with the people who are telling you this is "have they ever been heavy or have they been thin their whole lives?" To me this plays a HUGE roll in their opinions, they DO NOT understand the struggles that you go through and how harsh and judgemental people can be toward larger people. So I try to ignor those people that have negative opinions on my life. hope that helps
well all the people that i told i was having the surgery were so happy for me not a single person told me that i was making a bad chooise so it made it easier for me ofcourse the only people who knew was my family, family friends, and closest friends and they were much happier than i was. i was scared to death!
i`ve been on a diet since i was 7 years old and i still live on a diet. but now it works!! yes i have to take care of myself better now. but it worth it and if i only live 20 years with this surgery (hope is not the case lol) it would totaly worth it these are the most importatn years of my life and i wanna live them to the fullest!!!!!!
i`ve been on a diet since i was 7 years old and i still live on a diet. but now it works!! yes i have to take care of myself better now. but it worth it and if i only live 20 years with this surgery (hope is not the case lol) it would totaly worth it these are the most importatn years of my life and i wanna live them to the fullest!!!!!!
First and foremost, there is nothing "easy" about bariatric surgery. Secondly, it IS drastic...but here's the thing. Most of us are in desperate need of help. We've gotten so big that conventional techniques for weight loss are no longer an option, in some cases no longer safe, and the pure and simple fact of the matter is either we have the surgery and loose the weight, or we die.
I know very few people who opt for bariatric surgery who just woke up one morning and said "Ya know what, I'm fat! Screw diet and exercise, I'll just go get cut open and take the 'easy' way out!!" We generally have spent years, decades in some cases (even in our twenties, this is possible), trying everything to loose weight without sustainable results. WLS is literally our last hope.
To those who are telling you you're making the wrong choice, simply tell them it's YOUR choice, not theirs, and you're doing what's right for yourself. End of discussion.
I know very few people who opt for bariatric surgery who just woke up one morning and said "Ya know what, I'm fat! Screw diet and exercise, I'll just go get cut open and take the 'easy' way out!!" We generally have spent years, decades in some cases (even in our twenties, this is possible), trying everything to loose weight without sustainable results. WLS is literally our last hope.
To those who are telling you you're making the wrong choice, simply tell them it's YOUR choice, not theirs, and you're doing what's right for yourself. End of discussion.
Well said to all of you! I totally agree. Surgery, this lifestyle, and the whole journey in general is not easy! People who say that to you, are niave and uneducated on the process. I think, you (and everyone else who undergoes this surgery) is very brave. Yes, we're young, and we made a choice that will affect the rest of our lives. And because we made this choice, more than likely, we will be living longer healthier lives because of it. So my opinion, anyone who says this is easy or makes you feel bad for taking control of your life. Screw em!
You're amazing for taking the control and doing something about it. Don't EVER let anyone tell you otherwise.
You're amazing for taking the control and doing something about it. Don't EVER let anyone tell you otherwise.
First of all, dieting and excercising properly is a great way to lose weight and/or get healthy. For most of us that have chosen some form of bariatric surgery, however, simple diet and excercise did not work. If your body is not doing what it is supposed to do at a young age, it's not going to get any better with time.
Anorexia and bullemia are not healthy ways to lose weight. Nither is developing a cocaine ha*****ad that one suggested to me, btw). These methods are drastic, but insanely dangerous to your health.
Other options work for some people. And that's great. Good for them. Is WLS a drastic measure? In my opinion, yes. But one must weigh the consequences of that drastic measure against the health problems that obesity causes.
I chose not to wait for diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and high cholesterol to develop severely enough to impact my life or even end my life. I could have spent years not losing the weight I needed to, and that would have severely impacted my quality of life and future life expectancy.
WLS is not easy. Nither is losing weight the "old fashioned way". One must make their own choices in order to have a good outcome. It's a personal decision for everyone.
Anorexia and bullemia are not healthy ways to lose weight. Nither is developing a cocaine ha*****ad that one suggested to me, btw). These methods are drastic, but insanely dangerous to your health.
Other options work for some people. And that's great. Good for them. Is WLS a drastic measure? In my opinion, yes. But one must weigh the consequences of that drastic measure against the health problems that obesity causes.
I chose not to wait for diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and high cholesterol to develop severely enough to impact my life or even end my life. I could have spent years not losing the weight I needed to, and that would have severely impacted my quality of life and future life expectancy.
WLS is not easy. Nither is losing weight the "old fashioned way". One must make their own choices in order to have a good outcome. It's a personal decision for everyone.
Each of us is a unique individual and we have to do what we think is best for us. Yes, people can give us their opinions and tell us what they think is the right way. And most people will tell you that you are taking the easy way out; however, they have no idea about the surgery. I found that after I had the RNY (gastric bypass) and talked about it - that people gained more knowledge and were more acceptable. What others think and say is what they feel and believe. You need to go with what you want. It is now time to take care of "me" (which of course in this case is you). A few years ago, I might have thought that WLS was too drastic, however, after going through a 26 week course, and learning the pros and cons, researching the various types of WLS, and talking to people who have had WLS, I gained a lot of knowledge and decided to take this route myself and I have to say that I do not regret my decision for one moment. When I was overvweight and out of breath just going up a few stairs, and dealing with various medical, I was in a constant battle with myself and the diet world. I know and believe that I am a happier and healthier person because of this tool (the surgery). The biggest benefit of this surgery for me is that I will more than likely see my grandchildren grow up and I will be able to run with them and play with them rather than sitting on the side line watching everyone else play and be active. I have been given a second chance and I embrace it everyday!
You are the only one who can really decide the best route to take because it is your body. Whichever decision you make will be the right decision for you.
You are the only one who can really decide the best route to take because it is your body. Whichever decision you make will be the right decision for you.
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader

It sure is good C'ING LESS OF ME!

It sure is good C'ING LESS OF ME!
We could learn a lot from crayons:
some are sharp, some are pretty,
some are dull, some have weird names,
& all are different colors....but they
ALL exist very nicely in the same box.
(Author Unknown)
People who judge you for getting WLS do not understand being overweight. If you (and me) are this young and having trouble with our weight, what do you think age is going to do to that problem? Who wants to spend the rest of their life with health problems and eating themselves unhappy? I tell people that I have to diet and exercize with the surgery, but I have a "tool" that I have never had before in the battle of weight. I had limited support for my surgery, and everyone wanted me to "really think about the consequenses" gee let me think, healthy? living longer? jogging up some stairs? not in a fight with my stomach all day wether its hungry or not?
ILL TAKE WLS THANK YOU! I had a million health problems that are not related to my weight, and my support team was apprehensive to have me have a surgery that was elective. Now everyone wants to ask me a million questions about what I eat and they think I made a great decision. :) All I care about is me being happy(selfish I know) and now that I dont have to fight food every day I am a lot happier!
ILL TAKE WLS THANK YOU! I had a million health problems that are not related to my weight, and my support team was apprehensive to have me have a surgery that was elective. Now everyone wants to ask me a million questions about what I eat and they think I made a great decision. :) All I care about is me being happy(selfish I know) and now that I dont have to fight food every day I am a lot happier!
Who dictates your version of right and wrong in terms of weight loss? Joe Shmoe down the road that has never had a weight loss problem in his life? Yeah... he can go suck a tail pipe... lol They don't know... and sadly, most of the people who try to give us advice have NO idea what they are talking about... simple as that!