I have a date :)
May 27th...That's my day! I am so excited. After researching for a year or so I actually started this process back in Februrary (went to the information session on February 9th) and I really didn't think it would happen so quickly. I am so excited! I'm also freaking out a little bit. I have so much to do before the big day. A few more appointments with the doctors, moving to a new apartment, etc...I know I'll get it all done and it will be just fine, but right now it all feels a tiny bit overwhelming!
I have to say that I love, love, LOVE this forum. I don't post all that often but I check it all the time and it really is the best form of support I've found. I can't wait to join all of you amazing people on the loser's bench :)
May 27th...That's my day! I am so excited. After researching for a year or so I actually started this process back in Februrary (went to the information session on February 9th) and I really didn't think it would happen so quickly. I am so excited! I'm also freaking out a little bit. I have so much to do before the big day. A few more appointments with the doctors, moving to a new apartment, etc...I know I'll get it all done and it will be just fine, but right now it all feels a tiny bit overwhelming!
I have to say that I love, love, LOVE this forum. I don't post all that often but I check it all the time and it really is the best form of support I've found. I can't wait to join all of you amazing people on the loser's bench :)

Currently --115lbs as of 11/18/2009!!
Wow yours is SOON! Congrats! It’ll be here before you know it.
Il faut souffrir pour être belle
"When I get sad, I stop being sad, and be AWESOME instead. True story." -Barney Stinson/Neil Patrick Harris
Mama to Aleksandar J.B., 11.26.11 <3 Now I know what true love REALLY is! <3