something that made me smile after having a horrible morning
NOTE: this will be the condensed version of what happened this morning....So this morning I had to print out my paper that was due today and well guess what my printer decided it was going to go on strike and wouldn't work. The morning went on and I tried to print my paper out at 2 different places and still no luck. Finally I go up to my school to print it there and it printed out and there were parts that printed out twice in the middle of the paper. I go back to the computer and there was someone there and the whole computer lab was full. I go to the other computer lab and its full as well. Finally I get my paper printed and everything is good and when I go to leave and go turn it in to my professor I have 2 different guys open the doors for me on my way to her office. Now this may seem like a silly thing but it made me happy to know that some people do still have maners and I can't remember when 2 good looking guys opened the door for me. It didn't seem to happen very often when I was bigger and now that I've lost a little more than 40lbs it seems like people are starting to notice... which is nice.