new to the 20's forum...
Thank you all so much for replaying! The DS is working wonderfully! I am now down 94 pounds and I had my first vitamin and protein check and it all looked wonderful I had to add some A but that was it and the nurse said that it was only down like a single number so that is not bad! I am feeling great and have a ton of energy and want to go out and do things, I also have a lot of energy to keep up with my 2 kiddos. my son is 4 and daughter is 16 months, and they are very busy! So it it is wonderful and I am so glad I made the decision to go with the surgery.
g1rl 0n f1re
on 3/13/09 11:47 am - City of Angels, CA
on 3/13/09 11:47 am - City of Angels, CA