Can anyone help
I need help when i called my doctor oncall and asked about taking something for my cold. But he was rude and I was really mad so I forgot to ask him what I could take for my bowels. I know this is a weird question and dont want to ask but I need to see what I can take its almost like im constipated also I am on iron supplements. Any suggestions ?????
OOOh If that was me.....I would of called his ass back up and told him NO GET MAD AT ME CUZ YOU HATE YOUR JOB!!!!..((CLICK)) ..Lmao...but thats just me verbal like that!!!!! lmao!!!! Even if it took me a whole 2 hours to come up with that line cuz i was still shocked by his rudeness!!!! Other than that....i know fiber helps build up constipation but that is not what you asking is it!!!!! Hmmm....and i am going to school to become a nurse??? i should really re-evaluate myself huh!!!! Well hope you find the answers you looking for!!!!
Peace shakalabadu.....
Peace shakalabadu.....
Funny thing is I was just at my suregons office today and we were talking about this very topic in my pre-op class. The basically said don't call an on call doctor unless it is an emeregancy...and they said constipation doesn't count as an emergency. Sorry if that sounds harsh... as for what to do for constipation try milk of magnesia, milkolax, benefiber, or warm prun juice. If that doesn't work call your doctor during normal office hours. good luck
Thanks I relieze that I should have called him it wasnt a emergency but he doesnt have a right to be an ass and that ****** me off I have never called him before and that pissed me off...thanks very much for the tips... I was going to call him back and scream at him but I didnt want to do that. But thanks for the help
hey hun...i take dulcolax STOOL SOFTNER, i've struggled with constipation since the day after surgery, my dr cleared me for a daily stool softner, its much easier on the stomach/bowels than an actual laxative and believe me it gets the JOB DONE! hope this helps.
box says take 1-3 a day...i only take one and it works wonders! p.s. its a gel cap so it works fast =)
box says take 1-3 a day...i only take one and it works wonders! p.s. its a gel cap so it works fast =)