1 year surgeversay!!!!
THE HONEY MOON IS FINALY OVER!!!!!! NOW REAL LIFE STARTS.............. wooow i can´t believe how many good things happened this year. it was a year full of surprises. i had wls. i graduated from university i got new job. i got my confidence back. i can be myself now without worring about my image. i `m a happier person now. i started this journey with 256 lbs. now 149. very happy about that. i`m not gonna lie. ithougth i would be at goal already. but now i realized that the important thing is to mantain the weight loss and try as healthy as possible to lose the 20 lbs.that i have left. i wanna lose that weight in 2 months `cuz in april i`m goint to hoston to see my dr. (very exited about that)¨. the bad part about all this is that this is weigh loss issue is now getting on my nerves i`m getting nervious about not been able to lose the extra weight. and i have hearda lot of stories of gainig weigth and failing that i`m getting soo scared about.... i`m incrementing my exercise rutine this monday. i hope to have good results 4 the next month. I also wanted to take a minute to THANK YOU ALL. for the support and for the nice comments you made about my posts and my pics. and 4 encoraging me to keep on track. thanks so much i really enjoy when you guys take the time to write a note . thanks againg. lol. the only thing that i have left to say is: I LOVE MY RNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |