Pseudo Tumor Cerbrii
What exactly is this? I was under the impression that it was a "false" tumor and could cause vision problems, etc. I've never been diagnosed with it, but I do have vision problems (ever since I was about 15) and even after SO many tests, MRI's and CT scans... I've always been told it's pressure on my optic nerve or an abnormal blind spot. Is this even remotely close to being Pseudo Tumor Cerbrii?
hey girl. I have a pseudo tumor ( i don´t know if is like the one you are talking about). is not fake its there. the 30% of the population or so have it. but its not bad. altho it can be in some cases. is a secundary efect of obesity. I had a bad diagnosis with cushing syndrom. it was very hard time for me. they told me that i had to have brain surgery and my parents fricked out. ofcourse. but then we whent to se an specitalist and he explain us all this pseudo cushing syndrom that is related with obesity.
i hope you get a right diagnosis.
keep us posted
i hope you get a right diagnosis.
keep us posted
they thought I had it- and yes, that seems like it, from the little I know. I think the pseudo- tumor part is "something, which isn't a tumor, acting in a way which is causing effects like a tumor" (i.e. putting intense pressure in your spinal fluid and therefore on your eyes and head. I'm not sure if it gets better with obesity, but I wouldn't be suprised. Someone else mentioned it a few days ago (I think it was in a Weed- post wls thread...) but you might check there and PM the girl who said she has it, she may know more about it
maybe this is just me being a chicken- but if there's no treatment, and esp. if weight loss will improve it, I wouldn't recommend getting tested. It's a painful procedure.
maybe this is just me being a chicken- but if there's no treatment, and esp. if weight loss will improve it, I wouldn't recommend getting tested. It's a painful procedure.
As someone told me lately, everyone deserves the chance to fly!