Fresh meat!
Hello everyone! I have done all my pre-op requirements and had my 2nd visit with my Dr today. He reviewed my gallbladder ultrasound and told me I have fatty infiltrates on my liver and have an enlarged spleen. He would like to do a liver biopsy during the open RNY surgery. Supposedly request for authorization will be sent to the insurance company sometime next week and after that my surgery date should be schedule for late Feb. Has anyone ever been told they have this problem with their liver or spleen? Any help would be appreciated!
My doctor does a routine liver biopsy in all of his patients, because he said about 1/3 have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or whatnot. It seemed like even if there were some problems, they didn't pose much of a threat.... but that's just the impression I got. there's an article on the main page about it, though I'm not sure if that's what your doctor was referring to.
As someone told me lately, everyone deserves the chance to fly!