New Pics!
Reece, you have totally been one of my two go-to girls since I have had my surgery. Ever since I joined I have always kept up with your progression because of our age, surgery date, and even our plastic surgery decesion-and yes the PINK underwear bring us full circle. I have always thought you looked so geat and could NOT believe you had any belly on you under the clothes-seriously have you seen my pre op belly-again we were one in the same! I am so behind in accepting the way I look and realizing numbers mean nothing in the gand scheme of things, but it helps so much when I see how identical of an experience we share even with your digits being lower than mine. I was so excied for you to get your new bod, I was just waiting for you to come on the boards and be a little worry wart so I couldth share of advice and outcome! Believe me girl, I went through every little scary thought you are- just like the GB when I was convinced it was a flop 2 weeks out, I was sure I was going to look like a mutilated version of what I was before after the TT, but here's proof there's light, AND CUTE UNDIES at the end of the tunnel! ;)