PLEASE help a brother out!
I'm kind of a private person but I consider the folks here on this board very close friends, the kinship we share going through similar struggles together binds us teven tighter then I am with some of my friends outside of the OH realm...and that's why I feel comfortable reaching out here.
I haven't really mentioned this except to a few, but I'm going through some personal struggles right now. Over the course of this last week those struggles have turned into a major crisis for me, my wife, and my kids. It's been all-consuming and now the stress, anxiety, depression has me hurting tremendously - not just emotionally but physically. I don't know how this is going to end, only that I know I wish I knew for sure there was a way out where my family doesn't wind up torn apart.
For that to happen a series of things needs to happen - and with my family on the line, I'm doing everything I can think of to make that happen, including asking for your help.
The day before my wife found out we were pregnant with our first child after almost a year of dissapointment, was actually the very next day following my decision to welcome God back into my life after a very long time passed where I wasn't even sure he existed. I don't think it's a coincidence and it was one of the reasons I became convinced that he not only exists but hears our prayers and blesses those who put their faith in him. After almost a year of disappointment trying to conceive, we put our faith in God and he showed us his awesome power the very next day.
Now I believe everything that happens too us happens for his reasons, and I'm really hoping and praying that what I'm going through now is a way to humble me and to make me stronger for the next test.
It's looking like I may make it through this intact, some things need to fall in place, and now I just wanted ask you guys if you don't mind helping me nudge those things into place by keeping my family and the status of our future in your prayers. I need all the help I can get. Feel free to send me a PM too if you want. Thanks guys, I feel a little better now.....
I will definitely be your little prayer warrior in this hard time for you. If you don't mind I would like to give you this scripture that my mom has always given to me when I am struggling and it's hard to look ahead to brighter times.
Jeremiah 29:11-For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.
Love is what guides us and keeps us together. Remember, a family that prays together, stays together.