Blogging up a storm...
You guys are young... so you can probably relate.
I started a blog to document my journey (Bandster Heaven -- link in my signature). I also have a YouTube blog... and I never thought it would skyrocket into what it has become.
I was so afraid to do the video....(fat butt in front of camera = EEK!) but it has been so wonderful and I have gotten so much support and feel like I am offering others a lot of support too.
I think you guys can probably relate in some way because....20s seems to mean "more technologically savvy"... so I wanted to share how blogging has helped me.
My vlogs have helped me conquer a fear... fear of being judged for what I look like.
Though I do get some weird comments here and there... (you may have seen the video of my first fill... it seemed to have caused a lot of emotion on OH... "big scary needle!" LOL)... I still feel very very proud that I put myself out there.
Blogging is amazing! I always comment that Myspace is my Therapist, lol. If I didn't have that outlet, I honestly don't know what I'd do when I'm suffering some mental anguish.
I have dial up and videos take forever to load, I'd love to see you videos though! I'll try to see them at school, Monday! :)
The more things the change, the more they're still the same.