Holy Crap Batman..Plastic Surgrery...HURTS!!!
LOL Who woulda thunk it! Jesus mother of mary I did not anticipate this! The GB was a flippin cake walk compared to this..it's just a lot of up keep what with the walking like a little monkey and trying to stuff 'my balls' into my waist band-did I mention I have to walk around campus like this! I am swollen as a whale, so I can't even play dress up...I am just waiting to have the.."ahhhhh this was SO worth it" attitude. Right now, I think about all the PS junkie loonies out there...to think I was going to get my thighs done in addition... Oh my lanta!! Anywhoo poor me right-so peep the updated profile, I did some 1 week pics... the swelling subsided compared to the first set of pics...you can see my REAL LIVE MUSCLES that I worked on all by myself...the little line appearing down the middle and I didn't even have any ab tighting done, THANK THE LORD, because I am without children, again THANK GOD! LOL j/k! So go see!
I'm still waiting to hear fromy my doc on insurance approval for a panniculectomy and man-boob reduction....I'm not nearly as anxious about rushing into this one - your experience sounds typical. I'm so nervous about the pain with this one
I hope you start feeling better and better. Your pics look good. It looks like the swelling is getting better, and the line looks really symetrical, and everything looks smooth.