5 yr weight history with UHC
I hear every individual policy can be worded different. BUT - I had UHC, and after we submitted everything, the only hold-up was that they requested a five year weight history. In my case they were willing to accept the numbers I provided as long as I gave them the contact info of the doctor's office the numbers came from in case they wanted to verify them. So, that made it pretty easy, all I had to od was call up the nurse at my PCP's office and ask her what my highest recorded weight was in my chart during each of the past five calender years. My policy was looking for a BMI of 40 without co-morbidities, and 35 or above with co-morbidities. In my case I was above 40 all of those years, but I also did have co-morbidities: Type II Diabetes, Sleep Apnea, and Hyperlipidemia (high cholestorol) - All of which are all now cured! If in doubt, it's always bes to call them and make them tell you!