Meditation Treadmill & Multi-tasking
Ok, so I shared this funny little story in my support group this week.
I downloaded the Eckhart Tolle discussions with Oprah regarding The Awakening. I was at the gym on the treadmill listening to chaper 2 when Eckhart tells you to close your eyes for 10 seconds and concentrate on being in the now. I knew that is probably wasn't a good idea to do while I was on the treadmill but I was so in to it that I decided I can be in the now and on the treadmill at the same time because I am a master muli-tasker. So I closed my eyes and about 5 seconds later end up on the edge of the treadmill tripping. I ended up catching my self. My friend was on the treadmill next to me and she said what the heck are you doing. I said, " It's Eckhart's fault he told me to meditate." So we laughed and I learned that no matter how good you think you are at multitasking do not try to meditate while on the treadmill.