Old Navy dress...
So I did a little fashion show and tried on my size LARGE Old Navy tube top dress...I can't believe I'm a size Large...still having some body dysmorphia and not believing it's true!!!!!!! Also, I am officially an AUNT...my sweet little niece Addison was born on Tuesday! Here are some pictures:
Tomorrow is FRIDAY...WAHOOO! And, the school I work at has spring break next week, so no work for the next week!! Yaaaay!!! Anyone have any fun plans this weekend????? I have class 9-5 both Saturday and Sunday (Art Therapy Law and Ethics). Hopefully I will find something fun to do after my classes!
Hope your week has been rockin' :)
OHhhh that sounds like a blast...and I totally WOULD...but my class is Saturday AND Sunday from 9am-5pm on both days! RRRG!!! I was just down in SoCal for the Bamboozle Left concert, which was amazzzzing! Where exactly is Modesto??? We definitely should meet up sometime! I will let you know when I'm in SoCal again!