sucky day
I was all excited this morning...lost another pound so I'm 2 away from 40 already. In a month and a week...
But, at lunch I ate what my goals are for this stage...3-4 oz of protein, and 2 oz I did. Felt fine directly after lunch, but at about 15 minutes, I'm in front of my class ready to teach, and I can't talk anymore or was going to throw up everywhere. I wrote what their assignment was going to be on the board, told them to get to work, went out in the hall to walk it down, and then came back in. After no more than 1 minute, I had terrible hiccups and it got to the point where I couldn't breathe without it hurting terribly. So, got another teacher to cover for me, while I went to the restroom and got sick. That happened 3 times in the span of a hour an a half.
My students were concerned. I felt bad for them because they thought something was really wrong with me. I tried to explain to them that apparently I ate a bite too much and out it came.
So needless to say, my stomach hasn't wanted to cooperate with me the rest of the day, and I'm so tired since that.
Sorry for my vent...just sort of depressing!
Ronda RT
Hey Ronda,
I'm sorry to hear about your rough day! I remember feeling the same way after my surgery for a couple months. I was getting sick a lot....and I thought I would never feel normal again, but I can assure you, things do get better!!! My big problem I think was eating too fast and not chewing enough, so my advice is to chew chew chew and eat very slooowly!!! Just remember it will get better!!!! Try to stay positive!!! :)
Ronda I totally feel for you. I've been having major issues with food getting stuck and then sitting there for an hour, or just plain getting sick. I hate eating now because I never know what will trigger it. Hopefully it will get better soon. If it makes you feel better, I spent 20 minutes yesterday in my car hiccupping and "foaming" after lunch, then had to run out of TJ Maxx because I knew it had finally worked itself free and was gonna come back up. It feels so abnormal! Hopefully it gets better soon