1 year surge-versary
Well it has been one year today since my surgery and as I look back I am so thrilled at what has happened...........
Things I can do now that I couldn't One year ago....
1. Cross my legs
2. Sit indian style in a chair
3. Wear high heeled **** boots
4. Wear normal clothes from normal stores
5. Run a mile
6. Walk up flights of stairs without getting winded
7. Try on clothes "just for fun"
8. Realize that I'm not the fattest one in the room
9. Go into a room filled with food and keep walking
10. And feel good about the person I am not the person I used to be
There is so much more that I could share...I don't regret one thing abut having this procedure done....Oh and if I haven't mentioned it yet my stats are....
day of surgery-298 lbs size 24
1 year later-171 lbs size 12