ARGH! First off-- if for some reason my posts do finally show up in the 20's we should make a calander post and you see i've posted 4 million times.. I'm sorry. The dumb thing wasnt posting when I posted so I thought maybe I hit cancel but after sending even a "test post" and it not showing up I'm aggravated!!! So.. I wasn't being vain by posting a few times just so yall know. Second.. if for some reason it doesnt show up. I wanted to have everyone see my pictures I'm proud of what I've accomplished since my surgery in May. And third.. I'm sorry for being MIA the past couple months. I spent the month of December in South Carolina with my dad,brother, and that part of my family. So-- I'm back and I'll be a regular on the boards again.. PROMISE! Also, welcome to all the new wonderful people I've yet to meet!
Here's my pictures.. and like I said-- Sorry if they do finally post on the other thread.
Here's my DL picture taken last December
May 2007 Right After Surgery
July 07
December 07
My 24th Birthday 12/24/07 With my puppy Muffy
A normal picture of Dylan and I
And then there was me.. a couple days ago..
I know.. it's a lot but I wanted to share! <3 *LOVE* Zandra
August 07
My Baby Brother and I being ghetto pirates or
MC 09/2009
MC 11/2009
D&C, polyp removal, and division of partial septum 4/20/2010