Female Question
Ok so i just saw the post about birth control and got me thinking about a question i had before surgery. my surgery is in just about a week, and I know I'm due for my period, but I dont know if I'll be getting it before or after my surgery. And I normally have it for a week so if i get it Jan 7th or after I'll have it for my surgery on Jan 14th. So getting to my question, if I have it during surgery can I wear underwear and a pad during surgery or not? I know during my gallbladder surgery I couldnt wear anything and I figured it would be the same for this one. And I don't wear tampons, but like im wicked freaked that I'll have it during and I'd be MORTIFIED if i bleed on the table. HELP
Like the other poster had said, let the doctor know. But it isnt uncommon to "have a period" after surgery too. So it wont be a big deal to them really.
DS Aug 15th,2005 @ goal, living life and loving it.
"An Arabian will take care of its owner as no other horse will, for it has not only been raised to physical perfection, but has been instilled with a spirit of loyalty unparalleled by that of any other breed."
I didn't have to take my hospital pants/top off until they transferred me to the actual operating table (I remember because I was still awake when we took them off and they were strapping me down right before they turned the lights off on me.) As soon as I woke up I was fully dressed again in ICU already. I started my period like the day after my first surgery and they allowed me to use my tampons from the first day. For my second surgery I just put a new tampon in right before I went down to the OR and wore it during the surgery. On a funny note - the Sisters (nurses in the private hospital) didn't even take out my barbell down there for either surgery! LOL ... (I forgot about it with the first surgery, then the second I was like - oh well, nothing happed with the first one.) I do know when a couple of them saw it during one of my baths they seemed freaked out by it, like they didn't know what it was - HAHA.
I would say wearing a pad vs a tampon during surgery depends on your hospital - I was in the First Class ward of my private hospital and I could pretty much get by with anything I wanted short of murdering someone or not taking my meds or causing harm to myself - LOL. Bigger hospitals and hospitals in the States are WAY more strict and sometimes I wonder if they forget who the patient is while they are hurding you through the production line :-).
This scenario happened to me, I knew it was close to the time for my mense, so I bought along a few pads, as I read on the main board this is a common occurence.
I don't know if my mense came during wls,or shortly after when I was in my room I thought it was on. Later I was sure it was on. so I put on one of the pads I had with me and a pair or panties, the catherer was still in me the nurse came to take out the catherer she saw that I had my mense
cleaned me up(boy! I wanted to die) and put me on there hospital panties (I sort of like them) it's no big deal to the nurses, they deal with this all the time . I am very very modest, I did not even want my surgeon to look at my stomach during exam as pre-op, he told me he will see everything in the OR, I told him it was different because, I would be out with no knowledge of (you) seeing me (smile). if I can survive this you can.