Update on me.. almost 5 months post op
I saw my surgeon yesterday on an emergency basis because the stitch on my G-tube ended up breaking and I noticed the tube part that hung out getting shorter and shorter and my g-tube/balloon ended up waay out of place and the tube went totally into my stomach up to the valves.. It was sooooooo uncomfortable and painful. She ended up having to deflate the balloon to get the tube to come out any at all and this time she stitched it in 2 places. This is my 3rd time having it restitched. This morning I woke up feeling like I've been hit by a mack truck. I don't know if it's necessarily from the pressure and all with my gtube going into my stomach over the couple days or just aggervation from it being pulled and messed with and all that fun stuff but the WHOLE left side of my stomach hurts. I can't hardly take a deep breath or or walk standing straight up today! Not to mention I didn't sleep hardly at all last night because every time I'd roll near my left side/belly I shot up in pain!!
Anyways, there have been some small improvements in the eating department. Some days I can get 3 meals in (usually 1 oz meals) I still don't get near enough protein in but I'm trying. Even if I tube feed 4 times a day I will only get 44 g of protein in. If I keep improving and can some how get my pouch to start cooperating with me, and I'm guessing it's somewhat depending on how my labs look next month (my pre albumin has been running pretty low) I may be able to get my g-tube out at my 6 month appointment. I really hope so!! I hate this thing, but I'm still pretty dependant on it too, I'm still having to do atleast 1 tube feed a day. Some days its 3-4. I'm trying to keep a positive attitude though!!!! The nausea/vomiting stuff has settled down a little bit some days, but others it's rampant still. Phenergan and Zofran are my best friends still.
I found out that my DH's part time job is giving all their employees and their families a membership to the local Gym/fitness club! This excites me greatly. With the cold weather I have been bummed because walking outdoors isn't much of an option (the cold sends me into full asthma flare ups) and I can't really walk fast or whatever inside Wally world without looking like a dork. Hehe
Oh yea I've officially lost over HALF of my weight to get to goal. I have less weight left to lose than I've lost. I asked Dr. C if she thought I was losing at the right pace because lately I feel like I'm not losing fast enough and she told me that I'm doing good. She said by 6 months out they like you to have lost 80-100 lbs and I'm still 1 month + 1 week from 6 months out and I'm hoping to lose bout 15 more lbs atleast by my 6 month appointment on Jan 28. Plus my husband and I have had a little friendly competition and he kept letting me get within 1-2 lbs of him and would miraculously loose 5 lbs. Yesterday I officially weighed in 9 lbs less than him!! That is exciting.
I weigh less now than I did in middle school!!
Anyways I know this is a book and I need to be more active round here. :) I'm gonna try just I've been sooooooooooo busy with the holidays!!!
Have a Merry Christmas everyone!!!