Wicked Wow Moment
Ok so i am almost 2 years out and the wow moments are getting further and further apart. i have hit every goal and then some i never even thought of. but occassionaly stuff still happens...
So i went out to a bar around here on Wednesday nite. the nite b4 thanksgiving is a huge party nite around here. it's the one nite you get to see people u havent seen in a long time. some of the people u only get to see this one nite of the year. well i ran into so many people who couldn't believe what i looked like. there was even a couple of people who didnt even recognize me. One guy was even talkng to me as if i was someone else. i had to tell who i was and he couldnt believe it. it felt so good. well i just wanted to share with u guys, thanks for listening.
"I'm not ashamed of where i've been but proud of where i am!"