I think it's gonna happen guys!
*Knock on wood*
Yeah, I'm excited! Things are falling into place wonderfully!
Friday I got a consult date, it's on November 8th. YAY!
I wasnt gonna be able to afford my cell phone bill on November 1st so I cancelled the service and got a cheaper plan. I was pretty bummed about it. However, doing that has made it possible to afford the psych. eval!! So tomorrow I'm going to set up the eval. appointment. Also got a call back from the Nutritionist and she left a message with mom. She wants to set up an appointment!
Looks like everything is working out well! I'm going to try and get my appointments done BEFORE I go see Dr Coirin. That way they can just submit and be done lol. I'm so excited. And in awe that I might actually get the life I've wanted for so long!
I told you things would be ok! And you're following the right plan (just like I said)... am I seeing a pattern here or what!?! LMAO!
Its not going to be the life you've wanted, it the life you deserve and best of all- pain free!!
The more things the change, the more they're still the same.