This forum rocks!
It's funny because when this semester started, I knew I'd be having the surgery before it ended, so I'm between 1 and 2 weeks ahead on all of my readings for all of my courses! It's been so hard staying ahead, but I know I have to..And it works out extra well because the week after surgery is Thanksgiving break, and I have no classes to worry about! I'm so excited, I think about it all the time!!
I can't believe you've been waiting for two years for this, I bet its hard to believe the surgery is almost here! Congrats!!
A Late Welcome to the board! We are an awesome group with all ages of post ops he he. Newbies through almost five years I believe... some of us have even gone through the plastic process! So ask your questions, add on to any posts and above all, have some fun! Oh, and congrats on having your date and it's fast approaching! :)
The more things the change, the more they're still the same.