Hey All!!!
Hey everyone i just realized that i have not posted in a while so i thought that i would today...i've been busy catching up on school work and stuff so i've just been dropping to read a few posts here and there.
So now i'm a little over 3 weeks post op and feeling incredible...i get to eat soft solids which is going very well right now my favorite thing to eat so far on this phase is mashed potatos which i'm sure isn't the greates of choices so i eat them in moderation of course.
Also i went to a few parties this weekend which felt awesome i got to catch up with some friends and have so social interaction which i greatly needed...its was weird to be on the sober side of things but hilarious...i've come to the conclusion that i have some freakin' awesome friends who support me and that is a very good feeling.
Other than that life is slow returning back to normal for me and i'm happier than i haave ever been...i knew this was going to be an incredible journey i just didn't know it was going to be this incredible.
Till next time...Peace Out!