5 days till surgery and sick as a dog!
Oh I am so mad!! I have a nasty sinus cold and am starting to get better from the 24hr stomach bug that popped up yesterday. I have to call my doc tomorrow and let him know if I am better or not. As soon as I get kiddos on the bus I am heading straight to Wal-Mart to get lots of orange juice and some sort of sinus medicine that is allowed this close to surgery.
Are you allowed to take any decongestants? If you are, I would take as much as you can tolerate, even if it causes you to feel "medicine head" because the more stuff you can keep from draining down your throat the less time you will spend hacking it up after you get over this. Hacking up old phlegm when you have the soarnness from the surgery is obviously something that wouldn't be too fun.
Before my surgery I beleieve the only medicines they told me not to take the week before were NSAID's (Non Steroidal Anti-Inflamatory Drugs?) I think because they interfere with your ability to clot. I'm not sure though, of course you need to check with your doctor, which it sounds like you are already going to do. Good luck and feel better!