Guess who's back? (Kinda...)
Hey guys, it's Friday - waiting for the surgeon to hopefully come and discharge me in a bit here.
First and foremost, thank you thank you thank you to Laura and Ruth for being my angels, and keeping people updated.
First day post op, I was in an extreme amount of pain, but a few hours later I was able to rest for a few hours - of couse, that doesn't last long though, because they want us up and walking as soon as possible.
Second day post op, pain was 6 out of 10, which was fine, I could handle that, but after I had that Xray with that wierd "gastro-graft" (getting sick just thinking of it) I got very sick to my stomach, and got pretty damn cranky - so just shut off my cell so I didn't snap at anybody...
I actually made my mom go home, cause I was that pissy yesterday. (Feel bad now, but whatever)
Now Day 3, which I hope is discharge day, surgeon should be in here around 10AM, which will be nice. I am ready to go home.
Much more comfortable.
Well, I am still kinda "off" so, I am going to go - just wanted to say thanks for the comments and keep you guys updated.