3 weeks today, and thank you's
Hello everyone,
First off, a HUGE thank you for helping me out yesterday, and giving me SOOO much wonderful advice and support!!!
I've had a good day today, ok a d@mn good day!! I had more protein, a plan for meals, and exercised!! Also, today is week 3 post op, and I'm rid of 28 pounds so far. I am very proud, happy, etc!
I also had a WOW moment too! I had my fav pair of camo capris litterally fall off me!! They kept sliding all day, and finally when I'm chasing my puppies in the yard, I mooned my 3 chihuahuas!! how funny is that!! lmao.....
I hope that everyone had a wonderful day, and didn't see me in the backyard this afternoon! heehee
Height: 5'7"